Derived Types

abstract_hermitian_linop_cdp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_cdp

Abstract representation of an abstract hermitian (complex-valued) linear operator.

abstract_hermitian_linop_csp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_csp

Abstract representation of an abstract hermitian (complex-valued) linear operator.

abstract_jacobian_linop_cdp LightKrylov_AbstractSystems abstract_linop_cdp

Abstract type for the local linearization of the system around the state X

abstract_jacobian_linop_csp LightKrylov_AbstractSystems abstract_linop_csp

Abstract type for the local linearization of the system around the state X

abstract_jacobian_linop_rdp LightKrylov_AbstractSystems abstract_linop_rdp

Abstract type for the local linearization of the system around the state X

abstract_jacobian_linop_rsp LightKrylov_AbstractSystems abstract_linop_rsp

Abstract type for the local linearization of the system around the state X

abstract_linop LightKrylov_AbstractLinops None

Base type to define an abstract linear operator. All other types defined in LightKrylov derive from this fundamental one.

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abstract_linop_cdp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop

Base type to extend in order to define a complex(dp)-valued linear operator.

abstract_linop_csp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop

Base type to extend in order to define a complex(sp)-valued linear operator.

abstract_linop_rdp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop

Base type to extend in order to define a real(dp)-valued linear operator.

abstract_linop_rsp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop

Base type to extend in order to define a real(sp)-valued linear operator.

abstract_opts LightKrylov_utils None

Abstract type container for options from which all others are being extended.

abstract_precond_cdp LightKrylov_IterativeSolvers None
abstract_precond_csp LightKrylov_IterativeSolvers None
abstract_precond_rdp LightKrylov_IterativeSolvers None
abstract_precond_rsp LightKrylov_IterativeSolvers None
abstract_sym_linop_rdp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_rdp

Abstract representation of an abstract symmetric (real valued) linear operator.

abstract_sym_linop_rsp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_rsp

Abstract representation of an abstract symmetric (real valued) linear operator.

abstract_system LightKrylov_AbstractSystems None
abstract_system_cdp LightKrylov_AbstractSystems abstract_system

System for Newton fixed-point iteration via the Jacobian

abstract_system_csp LightKrylov_AbstractSystems abstract_system

System for Newton fixed-point iteration via the Jacobian

abstract_system_rdp LightKrylov_AbstractSystems abstract_system

System for Newton fixed-point iteration via the Jacobian

abstract_system_rsp LightKrylov_AbstractSystems abstract_system

System for Newton fixed-point iteration via the Jacobian

abstract_vector LightKrylov_AbstractVectors None

Base abstract type from which all other types of vectors used in LightKrylov are being derived from.

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abstract_vector_cdp LightKrylov_AbstractVectors abstract_vector

Abstract type to define complex(dp)-valued vectors. Derived-types defined by the user should be extending one such class.

abstract_vector_csp LightKrylov_AbstractVectors abstract_vector

Abstract type to define complex(sp)-valued vectors. Derived-types defined by the user should be extending one such class.

abstract_vector_rdp LightKrylov_AbstractVectors abstract_vector

Abstract type to define real(dp)-valued vectors. Derived-types defined by the user should be extending one such class.

abstract_vector_rsp LightKrylov_AbstractVectors abstract_vector

Abstract type to define real(sp)-valued vectors. Derived-types defined by the user should be extending one such class.

adjoint_linop_cdp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_cdp

Utility type to define an adjoint linear operator. The definition of matvec and rmatvec are directly inherited from those used to define A. Note that this utility does not compute the adjoint for you. It simply provides a utility to define a new operator with matvec and rmatvec being switched.

adjoint_linop_csp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_csp

Utility type to define an adjoint linear operator. The definition of matvec and rmatvec are directly inherited from those used to define A. Note that this utility does not compute the adjoint for you. It simply provides a utility to define a new operator with matvec and rmatvec being switched.

adjoint_linop_rdp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_rdp

Utility type to define an adjoint linear operator. The definition of matvec and rmatvec are directly inherited from those used to define A. Note that this utility does not compute the adjoint for you. It simply provides a utility to define a new operator with matvec and rmatvec being switched.

adjoint_linop_rsp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_rsp

Utility type to define an adjoint linear operator. The definition of matvec and rmatvec are directly inherited from those used to define A. Note that this utility does not compute the adjoint for you. It simply provides a utility to define a new operator with matvec and rmatvec being switched.

axpby_linop_cdp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_cdp

Utility type to define a composite linear operator . The definitions of matvec and rmatvec are directly inherited from those used to define A and B.

axpby_linop_csp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_csp

Utility type to define a composite linear operator . The definitions of matvec and rmatvec are directly inherited from those used to define A and B.

axpby_linop_rdp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_rdp

Utility type to define a composite linear operator . The definitions of matvec and rmatvec are directly inherited from those used to define A and B.

axpby_linop_rsp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_rsp

Utility type to define a composite linear operator . The definitions of matvec and rmatvec are directly inherited from those used to define A and B.

cg_dp_opts LightKrylov_utils abstract_opts

Conjugate gradient options.

cg_sp_opts LightKrylov_utils abstract_opts

Conjugate gradient options.

gmres_dp_opts LightKrylov_utils abstract_opts

GMRES options.

gmres_sp_opts LightKrylov_utils abstract_opts

GMRES options.

Id_cdp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_cdp

Utility type to define the Identity operator. Note that the type-bound procedures for matvec and rmatvec do not have to be defined by the user.

Id_csp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_csp

Utility type to define the Identity operator. Note that the type-bound procedures for matvec and rmatvec do not have to be defined by the user.

Id_rdp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_rdp

Utility type to define the Identity operator. Note that the type-bound procedures for matvec and rmatvec do not have to be defined by the user.

Id_rsp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_rsp

Utility type to define the Identity operator. Note that the type-bound procedures for matvec and rmatvec do not have to be defined by the user.

newton_dp_opts LightKrylov_utils abstract_opts

Options for Newton-Krylov fixed-point iteration.

newton_sp_opts LightKrylov_utils abstract_opts

Options for Newton-Krylov fixed-point iteration.

scaled_linop_cdp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_cdp

Defines a scaled linear operator with a complex-valued operator and .

scaled_linop_csp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_csp

Defines a scaled linear operator with a complex-valued operator and .

scaled_linop_rdp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_rdp

Defines a scaled linear operator with a real-valued operator and . The definitions of matvec and rmatvec are directly inherited from those used to define A and do not have to be defined by the user.

scaled_linop_rsp LightKrylov_AbstractLinops abstract_linop_rsp

Defines a scaled linear operator with a real-valued operator and . The definitions of matvec and rmatvec are directly inherited from those used to define A and do not have to be defined by the user.