Type | Location | Extends | Description |
abstract_hermitian_linop_cdp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_cdp | Abstract representation of an abstract hermitian (complex-valued) linear operator. |
abstract_hermitian_linop_csp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_csp | Abstract representation of an abstract hermitian (complex-valued) linear operator. |
abstract_jacobian_linop_cdp | LightKrylov_AbstractSystems | abstract_linop_cdp | Abstract type for the local linearization of the system around the state X |
abstract_jacobian_linop_csp | LightKrylov_AbstractSystems | abstract_linop_csp | Abstract type for the local linearization of the system around the state X |
abstract_jacobian_linop_rdp | LightKrylov_AbstractSystems | abstract_linop_rdp | Abstract type for the local linearization of the system around the state X |
abstract_jacobian_linop_rsp | LightKrylov_AbstractSystems | abstract_linop_rsp | Abstract type for the local linearization of the system around the state X |
abstract_linop | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | None | Base type to define an abstract linear operator. All other types defined in
abstract_linop_cdp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop | Base type to extend in order to define a complex(dp)-valued linear operator. |
abstract_linop_csp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop | Base type to extend in order to define a complex(sp)-valued linear operator. |
abstract_linop_rdp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop | Base type to extend in order to define a real(dp)-valued linear operator. |
abstract_linop_rsp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop | Base type to extend in order to define a real(sp)-valued linear operator. |
abstract_opts | LightKrylov_utils | None | Abstract type container for options from which all others are being extended. |
abstract_precond_cdp | LightKrylov_IterativeSolvers | None | |
abstract_precond_csp | LightKrylov_IterativeSolvers | None | |
abstract_precond_rdp | LightKrylov_IterativeSolvers | None | |
abstract_precond_rsp | LightKrylov_IterativeSolvers | None | |
abstract_sym_linop_rdp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_rdp | Abstract representation of an abstract symmetric (real valued) linear operator. |
abstract_sym_linop_rsp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_rsp | Abstract representation of an abstract symmetric (real valued) linear operator. |
abstract_system | LightKrylov_AbstractSystems | None | |
abstract_system_cdp | LightKrylov_AbstractSystems | abstract_system | System for Newton fixed-point iteration via the Jacobian |
abstract_system_csp | LightKrylov_AbstractSystems | abstract_system | System for Newton fixed-point iteration via the Jacobian |
abstract_system_rdp | LightKrylov_AbstractSystems | abstract_system | System for Newton fixed-point iteration via the Jacobian |
abstract_system_rsp | LightKrylov_AbstractSystems | abstract_system | System for Newton fixed-point iteration via the Jacobian |
abstract_vector | LightKrylov_AbstractVectors | None | Base abstract type from which all other types of vectors used in |
abstract_vector_cdp | LightKrylov_AbstractVectors | abstract_vector | Abstract type to define complex(dp)-valued vectors. Derived-types defined by the user should be extending one such class. |
abstract_vector_csp | LightKrylov_AbstractVectors | abstract_vector | Abstract type to define complex(sp)-valued vectors. Derived-types defined by the user should be extending one such class. |
abstract_vector_rdp | LightKrylov_AbstractVectors | abstract_vector | Abstract type to define real(dp)-valued vectors. Derived-types defined by the user should be extending one such class. |
abstract_vector_rsp | LightKrylov_AbstractVectors | abstract_vector | Abstract type to define real(sp)-valued vectors. Derived-types defined by the user should be extending one such class. |
adjoint_linop_cdp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_cdp | Utility type to define an adjoint linear operator. The definition of |
adjoint_linop_csp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_csp | Utility type to define an adjoint linear operator. The definition of |
adjoint_linop_rdp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_rdp | Utility type to define an adjoint linear operator. The definition of |
adjoint_linop_rsp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_rsp | Utility type to define an adjoint linear operator. The definition of |
axpby_linop_cdp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_cdp | Utility type to define a composite linear operator .
The definitions of |
axpby_linop_csp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_csp | Utility type to define a composite linear operator .
The definitions of |
axpby_linop_rdp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_rdp | Utility type to define a composite linear operator .
The definitions of |
axpby_linop_rsp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_rsp | Utility type to define a composite linear operator .
The definitions of |
cg_dp_opts | LightKrylov_utils | abstract_opts | Conjugate gradient options. |
cg_sp_opts | LightKrylov_utils | abstract_opts | Conjugate gradient options. |
gmres_dp_opts | LightKrylov_utils | abstract_opts | GMRES options. |
gmres_sp_opts | LightKrylov_utils | abstract_opts | GMRES options. |
Id_cdp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_cdp | Utility type to define the Identity operator. Note that the type-bound procedures
for |
Id_csp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_csp | Utility type to define the Identity operator. Note that the type-bound procedures
for |
Id_rdp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_rdp | Utility type to define the Identity operator. Note that the type-bound procedures
for |
Id_rsp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_rsp | Utility type to define the Identity operator. Note that the type-bound procedures
for |
newton_dp_opts | LightKrylov_utils | abstract_opts | Options for Newton-Krylov fixed-point iteration. |
newton_sp_opts | LightKrylov_utils | abstract_opts | Options for Newton-Krylov fixed-point iteration. |
scaled_linop_cdp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_cdp | Defines a scaled linear operator with a complex-valued operator and . |
scaled_linop_csp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_csp | Defines a scaled linear operator with a complex-valued operator and . |
scaled_linop_rdp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_rdp | Defines a scaled linear operator with a real-valued operator and . The definitions of |
scaled_linop_rsp | LightKrylov_AbstractLinops | abstract_linop_rsp | Defines a scaled linear operator with a real-valued operator and . The definitions of |