constant_atol_dp Subroutine

public subroutine constant_atol_dp(tol, target_tol, rnorm, iter, info)

Abstract interface to define tolerance scheduler for the Newton iteration


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: tol

Tolerance to be used

real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: target_tol

Target tolerance

real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: rnorm

Norm of the residual of the current iterate

integer, intent(in) :: iter

Newton iteration count

integer, intent(out) :: info

Information flag

Source Code

   subroutine constant_atol_dp(tol, target_tol, rnorm, iter, info)
      !! Abstract interface to define tolerance scheduler for the Newton iteration
      real(dp), intent(out) :: tol
      !! Tolerance to be used
      real(dp), intent(in) :: target_tol
      !! Target tolerance
      real(dp), intent(in)  :: rnorm
      !! Norm of the residual of the current iterate
      integer,  intent(in)  :: iter
      !! Newton iteration count
      integer,  intent(out)  :: info
      !! Information flag
      character(len=256) :: msg
      tol = target_tol
      write(msg,'(A,E9.2)') 'Solver tolerance set to tol= ', tol
      call logger%log_information(msg, module=this_module, procedure='constant_atol_dp')
   end subroutine constant_atol_dp