Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(abstract_linop_cdp), | intent(in) | :: | A |
Linear operator to be inverted. |
class(abstract_vector_cdp), | intent(in) | :: | b |
Right-hand side vector. |
class(abstract_vector_cdp), | intent(inout) | :: | x |
Solution vector. |
integer, | intent(out) | :: | info |
Information flag. |
real(kind=dp), | intent(in), | optional | :: | rtol |
Relative solver tolerance |
real(kind=dp), | intent(in), | optional | :: | atol |
Absolute solver tolerance |
class(abstract_precond_cdp), | intent(in), | optional | :: | preconditioner |
Preconditioner (optional). |
class(abstract_opts), | intent(in), | optional | :: | options |
GMRES options. |
logical, | intent(in), | optional | :: | transpose |
Whether or is being used. |
subroutine gmres_cdp(A, b, x, info, rtol, atol, preconditioner, options, transpose) class(abstract_linop_cdp), intent(in) :: A !! Linear operator to be inverted. class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: b !! Right-hand side vector. class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: x !! Solution vector. integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: rtol !! Relative solver tolerance real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: atol !! Absolute solver tolerance class(abstract_precond_cdp), optional, intent(in) :: preconditioner !! Preconditioner (optional). class(abstract_opts), optional, intent(in) :: options !! GMRES options. logical, optional, intent(in) :: transpose !! Whether \(\mathbf{A}\) or \(\mathbf{A}^H\) is being used. !-------------------------------------- !----- Internal variables ----- !-------------------------------------- ! Options. integer :: kdim, maxiter real(dp) :: tol, rtol_, atol_ logical :: trans type(gmres_dp_opts) :: opts ! Krylov subspace class(abstract_vector_cdp), allocatable :: V(:) ! Hessenberg matrix. complex(dp), allocatable :: H(:, :) ! Least-squares variables. complex(dp), allocatable :: y(:), e(:) complex(dp) :: beta ! Preconditioner logical :: has_precond class(abstract_precond_cdp), allocatable :: precond ! Miscellaneous. integer :: i, k, niter complex(dp), allocatable :: alpha(:) class(abstract_vector_cdp), allocatable :: dx, wrk character(len=256) :: msg ! Deals with the optional args. rtol_ = optval(rtol, rtol_dp) atol_ = optval(atol, atol_dp) if (present(options)) then select type (options) type is (gmres_dp_opts) opts = options end select else opts = gmres_dp_opts() endif kdim = opts%kdim ; maxiter = opts%maxiter tol = atol_ + rtol_ * b%norm() trans = optval(transpose, .false.) ! Deals with the preconditioner. if (present(preconditioner)) then has_precond = .true. allocate(precond, source=preconditioner) else has_precond = .false. endif ! Initialize working variables. allocate(wrk, source=b) ; call wrk%zero() allocate(V(kdim+1), source=b) ; call zero_basis(V) allocate(H(kdim+1, kdim)) ; H = 0.0_dp allocate(y(kdim)) ; y = 0.0_dp allocate(alpha(kdim)) ; alpha = 0.0_dp allocate(e(kdim+1)) ; e = 0.0_dp info = 0 ; niter = 0 ! Initial Krylov vector. if (x%norm() > 0) then if (trans) then call A%rmatvec(x, V(1)) else call A%matvec(x, V(1)) endif endif call V(1)%sub(b) ; call V(1)%chsgn() beta = V(1)%norm() ; call V(1)%scal(one_cdp/beta) ! Iterative solver. gmres_iter : do i = 1, maxiter ! Zero-out variables. H = 0.0_dp ; y = 0.0_dp ; e = 0.0_dp ; e(1) = beta call zero_basis(V(2:)) ! Arnoldi factorization. arnoldi_fact: do k = 1, kdim ! Preconditioner. wrk = V(k) ; if (has_precond) call precond%apply(wrk) ! Matrix-vector product. if (trans) then call A%rmatvec(wrk, V(k+1)) else call A%matvec(wrk, V(k+1)) endif ! Double Gram-Schmid orthogonalization call double_gram_schmidt_step(V(k+1), V(:k), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=H(:k, k)) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='gmres_cdp') ! Update Hessenberg matrix and normalize residual Krylov vector. H(k+1, k) = V(k+1)%norm() if (abs(H(k+1, k)) > tol) then call V(k+1)%scal(one_cdp / H(k+1, k)) endif ! Least-squares problem. y(:k) = lstsq(H(:k+1, :k), e(:k+1)) ! Compute residual. beta = norm2(abs(e(:k+1) - matmul(H(:k+1, :k), y(:k)))) ! Current number of iterations performed. niter = niter + 1 ! Check convergence. write(msg,'(A,I3,2(A,E9.2))') 'GMRES(k) inner step ', k, ': |res|= ', & & abs(beta), ', tol= ', tol call logger%log_information(msg, module=this_module, procedure='gmres_cdp') if (abs(beta) <= tol) then exit arnoldi_fact endif enddo arnoldi_fact ! Update solution. k = min(k, kdim) ; call linear_combination(dx, V(:k), y(:k)) if (has_precond) call precond%apply(dx) ; call x%add(dx) ! Recompute residual for sanity check. if (trans) then call A%rmatvec(x, v(1)) else call A%matvec(x, v(1)) endif call v(1)%sub(b) ; call v(1)%chsgn() ! Initialize new starting Krylov vector if needed. beta = v(1)%norm() ; call v(1)%scal(one_cdp / beta) write(msg,'(A,I3,2(A,E9.2))') 'GMRES(k) outer step ', i, ': |res|= ', & & abs(beta), ', tol= ', tol call logger%log_information(msg, module=this_module, procedure='gmres_cdp') ! Exit gmres if desired accuracy is reached. if (abs(beta) <= tol) exit gmres_iter enddo gmres_iter ! Returns the number of iterations. info = niter return end subroutine gmres_cdp