module LightKrylov_BaseKrylov !! This module provides a collection of Krylov-based factorizations forming the !! computational core of `LightKrylov`. It also provides a set of utility functions !! to operate on arrays of `abstract_vector`. The most important ones are: !! !! - `arnoldi(A, X, H, info)`: Arnoldi factorization for general square matrices. !! - `lanczos(A, X, H, info)`: Lanczos factorization for general symmetric/hermitian matrices. !! - `bidiagonalization(A, U, V, B)`: Lanczos bidiagonalization for arbitrary matrices. !! - `qr(X, R, perm, info)`: QR factorization (with and without column pivoting) of an array of `abstract_vector`. !-------------------------------------------- !----- Standard Fortran Library ----- !-------------------------------------------- use iso_fortran_env use stdlib_optval, only: optval use stdlib_linalg, only: eye !------------------------------- !----- LightKrylov ----- !------------------------------- use LightKrylov_Constants use LightKrylov_Logger use LightKrylov_Utils use LightKrylov_AbstractVectors use LightKrylov_AbstractLinops implicit none private character(len=128), parameter :: this_module = 'LightKrylov_BaseKrylov' public :: qr public :: apply_permutation_matrix public :: apply_inverse_permutation_matrix public :: arnoldi public :: initialize_krylov_subspace public :: is_orthonormal public :: orthonormalize_basis public :: orthogonalize_against_basis public :: bidiagonalization public :: lanczos public :: krylov_schur public :: double_gram_schmidt_step public :: eigvals_select_sp public :: eigvals_select_dp interface qr !! ### Description !! !! Given an array \( X \) of types derived from `abstract_vector`, it computes the !! *in-place* QR factorization of \( X \), i.e. !! !! \[ !! X = QR, !! \] !! !! where \( Q \) is an orthonormal arrays of vectors such that \( Q^H Q = I \) and !! \( R \) is upper triangular. Note that it can also perform the QR factorization !! with column pivoting !! !! \[ !! XP = QR !! \] !! !! where \( P \) is a permutation matrix ensuring that the diagonal entries of \( R \) !! have non-increasing absolute values. This amounts to using the pivoting QR as a !! rank-revealing factorization. !! !! **References** !! !! - G. H. Golub & C. F. Van Loan. "Matrix Computations". 4th edition, The John Hopkins !! University Press, 2013. !! See Chapter 5.2.8: Modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm. !! !! ### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! call qr(Q [, R] [, perm], info [, tol]) !! ``` !! !! ### Arguments !! !! `Q`: Array of types derived from one of the base types provided in the !! `AbstractVectors` module. On entry, it contains the original array. !! On exit, it is overwritten by the orthogonal basis for its span. !! It is an `intent(inout)` argument. !! !! `R`: `real` or `complex` rank-2 array. On exit, its contains the upper triangular !! matrix resulting from the QR factorization. It is an `intent(out)` argument. !! !! `perm` (*optional*): Rank-1 array of `integer` corresponding to the indices of !! permuted columns. If `perm` is absent, the naive QR factorization !! is being computed. !! !! `info`: `integer` information flag. !! !! `tol` (*optional*): Numerical tolerance to determine whether two vectors are colinear !! or not. Default `tol = atol_sp` or `tol = atol_dp`. module procedure qr_no_pivoting_rsp module procedure qr_with_pivoting_rsp module procedure qr_no_pivoting_rdp module procedure qr_with_pivoting_rdp module procedure qr_no_pivoting_csp module procedure qr_with_pivoting_csp module procedure qr_no_pivoting_cdp module procedure qr_with_pivoting_cdp end interface interface swap_columns module procedure swap_columns_rsp module procedure swap_columns_rdp module procedure swap_columns_csp module procedure swap_columns_cdp end interface interface apply_permutation_matrix !! ### Description !! !! Given an array \( X \) and a permutation vector \( p \), this function computes !! *in-place* the column-permuted matrix !! !! \[ !! X = X P !! \] !! !! where \( P \) is the column-permutation matrix constructed from the permutation !! vector \( p \). !! !! ### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! call apply_permutation_matrix(X, perm) !! ``` !! !! ### Arguments !! !! `Q` : Array of vectors derived from the base types defined in the `AbstractVectors` !! module. On entry, it is the original array. On exit, it contains the !! column-permuted version computed in-place. It is an `intent(inout)` argument. !! !! `perm` : Rank-1 array of `integer` corresponding to the desired permutation vector. !! It is an `intent(in)` argument. module procedure apply_permutation_matrix_rsp module procedure apply_permutation_matrix_array_rsp module procedure apply_permutation_matrix_rdp module procedure apply_permutation_matrix_array_rdp module procedure apply_permutation_matrix_csp module procedure apply_permutation_matrix_array_csp module procedure apply_permutation_matrix_cdp module procedure apply_permutation_matrix_array_cdp end interface interface apply_inverse_permutation_matrix !! ### Description !! !! Given an array \( X \) and a permutation vector \( p \), this function computes !! *in-place* the column-permuted matrix !! !! \[ !! X = X P^{-1} !! \] !! !! where \( P \) is the column-permutation matrix constructed from the permutation !! vector \( p \) and \( P^{-1} \) its inverse. !! !! ### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! call apply_inverse_permutation_matrix(X, perm) !! ``` !! !! ### Arguments !! !! `Q` : Array of vectors derived from the base types defined in the `AbstractVectors` !! module. On entry, it is the original array. On exit, it contains the !! column-permuted version computed in-place. It is an `intent(inout)` argument. !! !! `perm` : Rank-1 array of `integer` corresponding to the desired permutation vector. !! It is an `intent(in)` argument. module procedure apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_rsp module procedure apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_array_rsp module procedure apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_rdp module procedure apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_array_rdp module procedure apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_csp module procedure apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_array_csp module procedure apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_cdp module procedure apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_array_cdp end interface interface arnoldi !! ### Description !! !! Given a square linear operator \( A \), find matrices \( X \) and \( H \) such that !! !! \[ !! AX_k = X_k H_k + h_{k+1, k} x_{k+1} e_k^T, !! \] !! !! where \( X \) is an orthogonal basis and \( H \) is upper Hessenberg. !! !! **Algorithmic Features** !! !! - The operator \( A \) only needs to be accessed through matrix-vector products. !! - Constructs an orthonormal Krylov basis \( X \) via the Gram-Schmidt process. !! - Constructs an upper Hessenberg matrix \( H \) whose eigenvalues approximates those of \( A \). !! - Checks for convergence and invariant subspaces. ! - Block version available (experimental). !! !! **References** !! !! - Y. Saad. "Iterative methods for sparse linear systems", SIAM 2nd edition, 2003. !! see Chapter 6.3: Arnoldi's method. !! !! ### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! call arnoldi(A, X, H, info [, kstart] [, kend] [, tol] [, transpose] [, blksize]) !! ``` !! !! ### Arguments !! !! `A` : Linear operator derived from one the base types provided by the `AbstractLinops` !! module. The operator needs to be square, i.e. the dimension of its domain and !! co-domain is the same. It is an `intent(in)` argument. !! !! `X` : Array of types derived from one the base types provided by the `AbstractVectors` !! module. It needs to be consistent with the type of `A`. On exit, it contains the !! the computed Krylov vectors. The first entry `X(1)` is the starting vector for !! the Arnoldi factorization. Additionally, the maximum number of Arnoldi steps !! is equal to `size(X) - 1`. It is an `intent(inout)` argument. !! !! `H` : `real` or `complex` rank-2 array. On exit, it contains the \( (k+1) \times k\) !! upper Hessenberg matrix computed from the Arnoldi factorization. It is an !! `intent(inout)` argument. !! !! `info` : `integer` variable. It is the `LightKrylov` information flag. On exit, if !! `info` > 0, the Arnoldi factorization experienced a lucky breakdown. !! The array of Krylov vectors `X` spans an \(A\)-invariant subpsace of !! dimension `info`. !! !! `kstart` (*optional*): `integer` value determining the index of the first Arnoldi !! step to be computed. By default, `kstart = 1`. !! !! `kend` (*optional*): `integer` value determining the index of the last Arnoldi step !! to be computed. By default, `kend = size(X) - 1`. !! !! `tol` (*optional*): Numerical tolerance below which a subspace is considered !! to be \( A \)-invariant. By default `tol = atol_sp` or !! `tol = atol_rp` depending on the kind of `A`. !! !! `transpose` (*optional*): `logical` flag determining whether the Arnoldi factorization !! is applied to \( A \) or \( A^H \). Default `transpose = .false.` !! !! `blksize` (*optional*): `integer` value determining the dimension of a block for the !! block Arnoldi factorization. Default is `blksize=1`. module procedure arnoldi_rsp module procedure arnoldi_rdp module procedure arnoldi_csp module procedure arnoldi_cdp end interface interface initialize_krylov_subspace !! ### Description !! !! Utility function to initialize a basis for a Krylov subspace. !! !! ### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! call initialize_krylov_subspace(X [, X0]) !! ``` !! !! ### Arguments !! !! `X` : Array of vectors that needs to be initialized. It is an `intent(inout)` !! argument. Note that the first action in the subroutine is !! `call zero_basis(X)`, effectively zeroing-out any data stored. !! !! `X0` (*optional*) : Collection of vectors which will form the first few !! Krylov vectors. Note that `X0` need not be an orthonormal !! basis as this subroutine includes a `call qr(X0)`. module procedure initialize_krylov_subspace_rsp module procedure initialize_krylov_subspace_rdp module procedure initialize_krylov_subspace_csp module procedure initialize_krylov_subspace_cdp end interface interface is_orthonormal !! ### Description !! !! Utility function returning a logical `.true.` if the set of vectors stored in \( X \) form !! an orthonormal set of vectors and `.false.` otherwise. !! !! ### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! out = is_orthonormal(X) !! ``` !! !! ### Arguments !! !! `X` : Array of derived types extended from the base types provided in the !! `AbstractVectors` module. module procedure is_orthonormal_rsp module procedure is_orthonormal_rdp module procedure is_orthonormal_csp module procedure is_orthonormal_cdp end interface interface orthonormalize_basis !! ### Description !! !! Given an array \( X \) of vectors, it computes an orthonormal basis for its !! column-span using the `double_gram_schmidt` process. All computations are done !! in-place. !! !! ### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! call orthonormalize_basis(X) !! ``` !! !! ### Arguments !! !! `X` : Array of `abstract_vector` to orthonormalize. Note that this process is done !! in-place. It is an `intent(inout)` argument. module procedure orthonormalize_basis_rsp module procedure orthonormalize_basis_rdp module procedure orthonormalize_basis_csp module procedure orthonormalize_basis_cdp end interface interface orthogonalize_against_basis module procedure orthogonalize_vector_against_basis_rsp module procedure orthogonalize_basis_against_basis_rsp module procedure orthogonalize_vector_against_basis_rdp module procedure orthogonalize_basis_against_basis_rdp module procedure orthogonalize_vector_against_basis_csp module procedure orthogonalize_basis_against_basis_csp module procedure orthogonalize_vector_against_basis_cdp module procedure orthogonalize_basis_against_basis_cdp end interface interface double_gram_schmidt_step !! ### Description !! !! Given an array \( X \) of `abstract_vector` and an `abstract_vector` !! (or array of `abstract_vectors`) \( y \), this subroutine returns a modified !! vector \( y \) orthogonal to all columns of \( X \), i.e. !! !! \[ !! y \leftarrow \left( I - XX^H \right) y, !! \] !! !! using a double Gram-Schmidt process. On exit, \( y \) is orthogonal to \( X \) albeit !! does not have unit-norm. Note moreover that \( X \) is assumed to be an orthonormal !! set of vectors. The function can also return the projection coefficients !! \( \beta = X^H y \). !! !! ### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! call double_gram_schmidt_step(y, X, info [, if_chk_orthonormal] [, beta]) !! ``` !! !! ### Arguments !! !! `y` : `abstract_vector` (or array of `abstract_vector`) that needs to be !! orthogonalize **in-place** against \( X \). !! !! `X` : Array of `abstract_vector` against which \( y \) needs to be orthogonalized. !! Note the function assumes that \( X \) is an orthonormal set of vectors, i.e. !! \( X^H X = I \). If it this is not the case, the result are meaningless. !! !! `info` : `integer` Information flag. !! !! `if_chk_orthonormal` (*optional*) : `logical` flag (default `.true.`) to check !! whether \( X \) is an orthonormal set of vectors or not. If the orthonormality !! returns `.false.`, the function throws an error. Note that this check is however !! computationally expensive and can be disable for the sake of performances. !! !! `beta` (*optional*) : `real` or `complex` array containing the coefficients !! \( \beta = X^H y \). module procedure DGS_vector_against_basis_rsp module procedure DGS_basis_against_basis_rsp module procedure DGS_vector_against_basis_rdp module procedure DGS_basis_against_basis_rdp module procedure DGS_vector_against_basis_csp module procedure DGS_basis_against_basis_csp module procedure DGS_vector_against_basis_cdp module procedure DGS_basis_against_basis_cdp end interface interface lanczos !! ### Description !! !! Given a symmetric or Hermitian linear operator \( A \), find matrices \( X \) and !! \( T \) such that !! !! \[ !! AX_k = X_k T_k + t_{k+1, k} x_{k+1} e_k^T, !! \] !! !! where \( X \) is an orthogonal basis and \( T \) is symmetric tridiagonal. !! !! **Algorithmic Features** !! !! - The operator \( A \) only needs to be accessed through matrix-vector products. !! - Constructs an orthonormal Krylov basis \( X \) via the Lanczos process with full !! reorthogonalization. !! - Constructs a symmetric tridiagonal matrix \( T \) whose eigenvalues approximates those of \( A \). !! - Checks for convergence and invariant subspaces. !! !! **References** !! !! - Y. Saad. "Iterative methods for sparse linear systems", SIAM 2nd edition, 2003. !! see Chapter 6.6: The symmetric Lanczos algorithm. !! !! ### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! call lanczos(A, X, T, info [, kstart] [, kend] [, tol]) !! ``` !! !! ### Arguments !! !! `A` : Symmetric or Hermitian linear operator derived from one the base types !! provided by the `AbstractLinops` module. It is an `intent(in)` argument. !! !! `X` : Array of types derived from one the base types provided by the `AbstractVectors` !! module. It needs to be consistent with the type of `A`. On exit, it contains the !! the computed Krylov vectors. The first entry `X(1)` is the starting vector for !! the Lanczos factorization. Additionally, the maximum number of Lanczos steps !! is equal to `size(X) - 1`. It is an `intent(inout)` argument. !! !! `T` : `real` or `complex` rank-2 array. On exit, it contains the \( (k+1) \times k\) !! symmetric tridiagonal matrix computed from the Arnoldi factorization. It is an !! `intent(inout)` argument. !! !! `info` : `integer` variable. It is the `LightKrylov` information flag. On exit, if !! `info` > 0, the Lanczos factorization experienced a lucky breakdown. !! The array of Krylov vectors `X` spans an \(A\)-invariant subpsace of !! dimension `info`. !! !! `kstart` (*optional*): `integer` value determining the index of the first Lanczos !! step to be computed. By default, `kstart = 1`. !! !! `kend` (*optional*): `integer` value determining the index of the last Lanczos step !! to be computed. By default, `kend = size(X) - 1`. !! !! `tol` (*optional*): Numerical tolerance below which a subspace is considered !! to be \( A \)-invariant. By default `tol = atol_sp` or !! `tol = atol_rp` depending on the kind of `A`. module procedure lanczos_tridiagonalization_rsp module procedure lanczos_tridiagonalization_rdp module procedure lanczos_tridiagonalization_csp module procedure lanczos_tridiagonalization_cdp end interface interface bidiagonalization !! ### Description !! !! Given a general linear operator \( A \), find matrices \( U \), \( V \) and !! \( B \) such that !! !! \[ !! \begin{aligned} !! AV_k & = U_{k+1} B_k, \\ !! A^H U_{k+1} & = V_k B_k^T + b_{k+1} v_{k+1} e_{k+1}^T !! \end{aligned} !! \] !! !! where \( U \) and \( V \) are orthogonal bases for the column span and row span !! of \( A \), respectively, and \( B \) is a bidiagonal matrix. !! !! **Algorithmic Features** !! !! - The operator \( A \) only needs to be accessed through matrix-vector products. !! - Constructs an orthonormal Krylov basis \( U \) for the column span of \( A \). !! - Constructs an orthonormal Krylov basis \( V \) for the row span of \( A \). !! - Constructs a bidiagonal matrix \( B \) whose singular values approximates !! those of \( A \). !! - Checks for convergence and invariant subspaces. !! !! **References** !! !! - R. M. Larsen. "Lanczos bidiagonalization with partial reorthogonalization." !! Technical Report, 1998. [(PDF)]( !! !! ### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! call bidiagonalization(A, U, V, B, info [, kstart] [, kend] [, tol]) !! ``` !! !! ### Arguments !! !! `A` : Linear operator derived from one the base types provided by the !! `AbstractLinops` module. It is an `intent(in)` argument. !! !! `U` : Array of types derived from one the base types provided by the `AbstractVectors` !! module. It needs to be consistent with the type of `A`. On exit, it contains the !! the computed Krylov vectors for the column span of `A`. The first entry `U(1)` !! is the starting vector for the Lanczos factorization. Additionally, the !! maximum number of Lanczos steps is equal to `size(X) - 1`. !! It is an `intent(inout)` argument. !! !! `V` : Array of types derived from one the base types provided by the `AbstractVectors` !! module. It needs to be consistent with the type of `A`. On exit, it contains the !! the computed Krylov vectors for the row span of `A`. It is an `intent(inout)` !! argument. !! !! `B` : `real` or `complex` rank-2 array. On exit, it contains the \( (k+1) \times k\) !! bidiagonal matrix computed from the Lanczos factorization. It is an !! `intent(inout)` argument. !! !! `info` : `integer` variable. It is the `LightKrylov` information flag. On exit, if !! `info` > 0, the Lanczos factorization experienced a lucky breakdown. !! !! `kstart` (*optional*): `integer` value determining the index of the first Lanczos !! step to be computed. By default, `kstart = 1`. !! !! `kend` (*optional*): `integer` value determining the index of the last Lanczos step !! to be computed. By default, `kend = size(X) - 1`. !! !! `tol` (*optional*): Numerical tolerance below which a subspace is considered !! to be \( A \)-invariant. By default `tol = atol_sp` or !! `tol = atol_rp` depending on the kind of `A`. module procedure lanczos_bidiagonalization_rsp module procedure lanczos_bidiagonalization_rdp module procedure lanczos_bidiagonalization_csp module procedure lanczos_bidiagonalization_cdp end interface interface krylov_schur !! ### Description !! !! Given a partial Krylov decomposition !! !! \[ !! AX_k = X_k H_k + h_{k+1, k} x_{k+1} e_k^H, !! \] !! !! this subroutine implements the Krylov-Schur restarting strategy proposed by !! Stewart [1]. !! !! **References** !! !! - G. W. Stewart. "A Krylov-Schur algorithm for large eigenproblems". !! SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, vol 23 (3), 2002. !! !! ### Syntax !! !! ```fortran !! call krylov_schur(n, X, H, select_eigs) !! ``` !! !! ### Arguments !! !! `n` : Number of selected eigenvalues moved to the upper left-block of the !! Schur matrix. It is an `intent(out)` argument. !! !! `X` : On entry, array of `abstract_vector` computed using the Arnoldi process. !! On exit, the first `n` columns form an orthonormal basis for the eigenspace !! associated with eigenvalues moved to the upper left-block of the Schur matrix. !! It is an `intent(inout)` argument. !! !! `H` : On entry, `real` of `complex` upper Hessenberg matrix computed using the !! Arnoldi process. On exit, the leading \( n \times n\) block contains the !! \( S_{11} \) block of the re-ordered Schur matrix containing the selected !! eigenvalues. It is an `intent(inout)` argument. !! !! `select_eigs` : Procedure to select which eigenvalues to move in the upper-left !! block. It is an `intent(inout)` argument. module procedure krylov_schur_rsp module procedure krylov_schur_rdp module procedure krylov_schur_csp module procedure krylov_schur_cdp end interface !---------------------------------------------------------- !----- ABSTRACT EIGENVALUE SELECTOR INTERFACE ----- !---------------------------------------------------------- abstract interface function eigvals_select_sp(lambda) result(selected) import sp complex(sp), intent(in) :: lambda(:) logical :: selected(size(lambda)) end function eigvals_select_sp function eigvals_select_dp(lambda) result(selected) import dp complex(dp), intent(in) :: lambda(:) logical :: selected(size(lambda)) end function eigvals_select_dp end interface contains !------------------------------------- !----- UTILITY FUNCTIONS ----- !------------------------------------- logical function is_orthonormal_rsp(X) result(ortho) class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(in) :: X(:) real(sp), dimension(size(X), size(X)) :: G ortho = .true. call innerprod(G, X, X) if (norm2(abs(G - eye(size(X)))) > rtol_sp) then ! The basis is not orthonormal. Cannot orthonormalize. ortho = .false. end if end function logical function is_orthonormal_rdp(X) result(ortho) class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: X(:) real(dp), dimension(size(X), size(X)) :: G ortho = .true. call innerprod(G, X, X) if (norm2(abs(G - eye(size(X)))) > rtol_sp) then ! The basis is not orthonormal. Cannot orthonormalize. ortho = .false. end if end function logical function is_orthonormal_csp(X) result(ortho) class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(in) :: X(:) complex(sp), dimension(size(X), size(X)) :: G ortho = .true. call innerprod(G, X, X) if (norm2(abs(G - eye(size(X)))) > rtol_sp) then ! The basis is not orthonormal. Cannot orthonormalize. ortho = .false. end if end function logical function is_orthonormal_cdp(X) result(ortho) class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: X(:) complex(dp), dimension(size(X), size(X)) :: G ortho = .true. call innerprod(G, X, X) if (norm2(abs(G - eye(size(X)))) > rtol_sp) then ! The basis is not orthonormal. Cannot orthonormalize. ortho = .false. end if end function subroutine initialize_krylov_subspace_rsp(X, X0) class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: X(:) class(abstract_vector_rsp), optional, intent(in) :: X0(:) ! Internal variables. integer :: p ! Zero-out X. call zero_basis(X) ! Deals with optional args. if(present(X0)) then p = size(X0) ! Initialize. call copy(X(:p), X0) ! Orthonormalize. call orthonormalize_basis(X(:p)) endif return end subroutine initialize_krylov_subspace_rsp subroutine orthonormalize_basis_rsp(X) !! Orthonormalizes the `abstract_vector` basis `X` class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against ! internals real(sp) :: R(size(X),size(X)) integer :: info ! internals call qr(X, R, info) call check_info(info, 'qr', module=this_module, procedure='orthonormalize_basis_rsp') return end subroutine orthonormalize_basis_rsp subroutine orthogonalize_vector_against_basis_rsp(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal, beta) !! Orthogonalizes the `abstract_vector` `y` against a basis `X` of `abstract_vector`. class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: y !! Input `abstract_vector` to orthogonalize class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(in) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. logical, optional, intent(in) :: if_chk_orthonormal logical :: chk_X_orthonormality !! Check that input Krylov vectors `X` form an orthonormal basis (expensive!) real(sp), optional, intent(out) :: beta(:) !! Projection coefficients if requested ! internals real(sp) :: proj_coefficients(size(X)) info = 0 ! optional input argument chk_X_orthonormality = optval(if_chk_orthonormal, .true.) ! default to true! ! check for zero vector if (y%norm() < atol_sp) info = 1 if (chk_X_orthonormality) then block real(sp), dimension(size(X), size(X)) :: G call innerprod(G, X, X) if (abs(G(size(X),size(X))) < rtol_sp) then ! The last vector in X is zero, it does not impact orthogonalisation info = -2 else if (norm2(abs(G - eye(size(X)))) > rtol_sp) then ! The basis is not orthonormal. Cannot orthonormalize. info = -1 return end if end block end if ! orthogonalize call innerprod(proj_coefficients, X, y) block class(abstract_vector_rsp), allocatable :: proj call linear_combination(proj, X, proj_coefficients) call y%sub(proj) end block if (present(beta)) then ! check size call assert_shape(beta, shape(proj_coefficients), 'beta', this_module, 'orthogonalize_vector_against_basis_rsp') beta = proj_coefficients end if return end subroutine orthogonalize_vector_against_basis_rsp subroutine orthogonalize_basis_against_basis_rsp(Y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal, beta) !! Orthogonalizes the `abstract_vector` basis `Y` against a basis `X` of `abstract_vector`. class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: Y(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(in) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. logical, optional, intent(in) :: if_chk_orthonormal logical :: chk_X_orthonormality !! Check that input Krylov vectors `X` form an orthonormal basis (expensive!) real(sp), optional, intent(out) :: beta(:,:) !! Projection coefficients if requested ! internals real(sp) :: proj_coefficients(size(X), size(Y)) integer :: i info = 0 ! optional input argument chk_X_orthonormality = optval(if_chk_orthonormal, .true.) ! default to true! ! check for zero vector do i = 1, size(Y) if ( Y(i)%norm() < atol_sp) info = i end do if (chk_X_orthonormality) then block real(sp), dimension(size(X), size(X)) :: G call innerprod(G, X, X) if (abs(G(size(X),size(X))) < rtol_sp) then ! The last vector in X is zero, it does not impact orthogonalisation info = -2 else if (norm2(abs(G - eye(size(X)))) > rtol_sp) then ! The basis is not orthonormal. Cannot orthonormalize. info = -1 return end if end block end if ! orthogonalize call innerprod(proj_coefficients, X, Y) block class(abstract_vector_rsp), allocatable :: proj(:) call linear_combination(proj, X, proj_coefficients) call axpby_basis(Y, one_rsp, proj, -one_rsp) end block if (present(beta)) then ! check size call assert_shape(beta, shape(proj_coefficients), 'beta', this_module, 'orthogonalize_basis_against_basis_rsp') beta = proj_coefficients end if return end subroutine orthogonalize_basis_against_basis_rsp subroutine DGS_vector_against_basis_rsp(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal, beta) !! Computes one step of the double Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process of the !! `abstract_vector` `y` against the `abstract_vector` basis `X` class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: y !! Input `abstract_vector` to orthogonalize class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(in) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. logical, optional, intent(in) :: if_chk_orthonormal logical :: chk_X_orthonormality !! Check that input Krylov vectors `X` form an orthonormal basis (expensive!) real(sp), optional, intent(out) :: beta(:) !! Projection coefficients if requested ! internals real(sp), dimension(size(X)) :: proj_coefficients, wrk ! optional input argument chk_X_orthonormality = optval(if_chk_orthonormal, .true.) ! default to true! info = 0 proj_coefficients = zero_rsp; wrk = zero_rsp ! Orthogonalize vector y w.r.t. to Krylov basis X in two passes of GS. ! first pass call orthogonalize_against_basis(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=proj_coefficients) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p1', module=this_module, & & procedure='DGS_vector_against_basis_rsp, pass 1') ! second pass call orthogonalize_against_basis(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=wrk) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p2', module=this_module, & & procedure='DGS_vector_against_basis_rsp, pass 2') ! combine passes proj_coefficients = proj_coefficients + wrk if (present(beta)) then ! check size call assert_shape(beta, shape(proj_coefficients), 'beta', this_module, 'DGS_vector_against_basis_rsp') beta = proj_coefficients end if end subroutine DGS_vector_against_basis_rsp subroutine DGS_basis_against_basis_rsp(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal, beta) !! Computes one step of the double Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process of the !! `abstract_vector` `y` against the `abstract_vector` basis `X` class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: Y(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(in) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. logical, optional, intent(in) :: if_chk_orthonormal logical :: chk_X_orthonormality !! Check that input Krylov vectors `X` form an orthonormal basis (expensive!) real(sp), optional, intent(out) :: beta(:,:) !! Projection coefficients if requested ! internals real(sp), dimension(size(X),size(Y)) :: proj_coefficients, wrk ! optional input argument chk_X_orthonormality = optval(if_chk_orthonormal, .true.) ! default to true! info = 0 proj_coefficients = zero_rsp; wrk = zero_rsp ! Orthogonalize Krylov basis Y w.r.t. to Krylov basis X in two passes of GS. ! first pass call orthogonalize_against_basis(Y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=proj_coefficients) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p1', module=this_module, procedure='DGS_basis_against_basis_rsp, first& & pass') ! second pass call orthogonalize_against_basis(Y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=wrk) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p2', module=this_module, procedure='DGS_basis_against_basis_rsp, second& & pass') ! combine passes proj_coefficients = proj_coefficients + wrk if (present(beta)) then ! check size call assert_shape(beta, shape(proj_coefficients), 'beta', this_module, 'DGS_basis_against_basis_rsp') beta = proj_coefficients end if end subroutine DGS_basis_against_basis_rsp subroutine initialize_krylov_subspace_rdp(X, X0) class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: X(:) class(abstract_vector_rdp), optional, intent(in) :: X0(:) ! Internal variables. integer :: p ! Zero-out X. call zero_basis(X) ! Deals with optional args. if(present(X0)) then p = size(X0) ! Initialize. call copy(X(:p), X0) ! Orthonormalize. call orthonormalize_basis(X(:p)) endif return end subroutine initialize_krylov_subspace_rdp subroutine orthonormalize_basis_rdp(X) !! Orthonormalizes the `abstract_vector` basis `X` class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against ! internals real(dp) :: R(size(X),size(X)) integer :: info ! internals call qr(X, R, info) call check_info(info, 'qr', module=this_module, procedure='orthonormalize_basis_rdp') return end subroutine orthonormalize_basis_rdp subroutine orthogonalize_vector_against_basis_rdp(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal, beta) !! Orthogonalizes the `abstract_vector` `y` against a basis `X` of `abstract_vector`. class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: y !! Input `abstract_vector` to orthogonalize class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. logical, optional, intent(in) :: if_chk_orthonormal logical :: chk_X_orthonormality !! Check that input Krylov vectors `X` form an orthonormal basis (expensive!) real(dp), optional, intent(out) :: beta(:) !! Projection coefficients if requested ! internals real(dp) :: proj_coefficients(size(X)) info = 0 ! optional input argument chk_X_orthonormality = optval(if_chk_orthonormal, .true.) ! default to true! ! check for zero vector if (y%norm() < atol_dp) info = 1 if (chk_X_orthonormality) then block real(dp), dimension(size(X), size(X)) :: G call innerprod(G, X, X) if (abs(G(size(X),size(X))) < rtol_dp) then ! The last vector in X is zero, it does not impact orthogonalisation info = -2 else if (norm2(abs(G - eye(size(X)))) > rtol_dp) then ! The basis is not orthonormal. Cannot orthonormalize. info = -1 return end if end block end if ! orthogonalize call innerprod(proj_coefficients, X, y) block class(abstract_vector_rdp), allocatable :: proj call linear_combination(proj, X, proj_coefficients) call y%sub(proj) end block if (present(beta)) then ! check size call assert_shape(beta, shape(proj_coefficients), 'beta', this_module, 'orthogonalize_vector_against_basis_rdp') beta = proj_coefficients end if return end subroutine orthogonalize_vector_against_basis_rdp subroutine orthogonalize_basis_against_basis_rdp(Y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal, beta) !! Orthogonalizes the `abstract_vector` basis `Y` against a basis `X` of `abstract_vector`. class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: Y(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. logical, optional, intent(in) :: if_chk_orthonormal logical :: chk_X_orthonormality !! Check that input Krylov vectors `X` form an orthonormal basis (expensive!) real(dp), optional, intent(out) :: beta(:,:) !! Projection coefficients if requested ! internals real(dp) :: proj_coefficients(size(X), size(Y)) integer :: i info = 0 ! optional input argument chk_X_orthonormality = optval(if_chk_orthonormal, .true.) ! default to true! ! check for zero vector do i = 1, size(Y) if ( Y(i)%norm() < atol_dp) info = i end do if (chk_X_orthonormality) then block real(dp), dimension(size(X), size(X)) :: G call innerprod(G, X, X) if (abs(G(size(X),size(X))) < rtol_dp) then ! The last vector in X is zero, it does not impact orthogonalisation info = -2 else if (norm2(abs(G - eye(size(X)))) > rtol_dp) then ! The basis is not orthonormal. Cannot orthonormalize. info = -1 return end if end block end if ! orthogonalize call innerprod(proj_coefficients, X, Y) block class(abstract_vector_rdp), allocatable :: proj(:) call linear_combination(proj, X, proj_coefficients) call axpby_basis(Y, one_rdp, proj, -one_rdp) end block if (present(beta)) then ! check size call assert_shape(beta, shape(proj_coefficients), 'beta', this_module, 'orthogonalize_basis_against_basis_rdp') beta = proj_coefficients end if return end subroutine orthogonalize_basis_against_basis_rdp subroutine DGS_vector_against_basis_rdp(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal, beta) !! Computes one step of the double Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process of the !! `abstract_vector` `y` against the `abstract_vector` basis `X` class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: y !! Input `abstract_vector` to orthogonalize class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. logical, optional, intent(in) :: if_chk_orthonormal logical :: chk_X_orthonormality !! Check that input Krylov vectors `X` form an orthonormal basis (expensive!) real(dp), optional, intent(out) :: beta(:) !! Projection coefficients if requested ! internals real(dp), dimension(size(X)) :: proj_coefficients, wrk ! optional input argument chk_X_orthonormality = optval(if_chk_orthonormal, .true.) ! default to true! info = 0 proj_coefficients = zero_rdp; wrk = zero_rdp ! Orthogonalize vector y w.r.t. to Krylov basis X in two passes of GS. ! first pass call orthogonalize_against_basis(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=proj_coefficients) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p1', module=this_module, & & procedure='DGS_vector_against_basis_rdp, pass 1') ! second pass call orthogonalize_against_basis(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=wrk) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p2', module=this_module, & & procedure='DGS_vector_against_basis_rdp, pass 2') ! combine passes proj_coefficients = proj_coefficients + wrk if (present(beta)) then ! check size call assert_shape(beta, shape(proj_coefficients), 'beta', this_module, 'DGS_vector_against_basis_rdp') beta = proj_coefficients end if end subroutine DGS_vector_against_basis_rdp subroutine DGS_basis_against_basis_rdp(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal, beta) !! Computes one step of the double Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process of the !! `abstract_vector` `y` against the `abstract_vector` basis `X` class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: Y(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. logical, optional, intent(in) :: if_chk_orthonormal logical :: chk_X_orthonormality !! Check that input Krylov vectors `X` form an orthonormal basis (expensive!) real(dp), optional, intent(out) :: beta(:,:) !! Projection coefficients if requested ! internals real(dp), dimension(size(X),size(Y)) :: proj_coefficients, wrk ! optional input argument chk_X_orthonormality = optval(if_chk_orthonormal, .true.) ! default to true! info = 0 proj_coefficients = zero_rdp; wrk = zero_rdp ! Orthogonalize Krylov basis Y w.r.t. to Krylov basis X in two passes of GS. ! first pass call orthogonalize_against_basis(Y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=proj_coefficients) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p1', module=this_module, procedure='DGS_basis_against_basis_rdp, first& & pass') ! second pass call orthogonalize_against_basis(Y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=wrk) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p2', module=this_module, procedure='DGS_basis_against_basis_rdp, second& & pass') ! combine passes proj_coefficients = proj_coefficients + wrk if (present(beta)) then ! check size call assert_shape(beta, shape(proj_coefficients), 'beta', this_module, 'DGS_basis_against_basis_rdp') beta = proj_coefficients end if end subroutine DGS_basis_against_basis_rdp subroutine initialize_krylov_subspace_csp(X, X0) class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: X(:) class(abstract_vector_csp), optional, intent(in) :: X0(:) ! Internal variables. integer :: p ! Zero-out X. call zero_basis(X) ! Deals with optional args. if(present(X0)) then p = size(X0) ! Initialize. call copy(X(:p), X0) ! Orthonormalize. call orthonormalize_basis(X(:p)) endif return end subroutine initialize_krylov_subspace_csp subroutine orthonormalize_basis_csp(X) !! Orthonormalizes the `abstract_vector` basis `X` class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against ! internals complex(sp) :: R(size(X),size(X)) integer :: info ! internals call qr(X, R, info) call check_info(info, 'qr', module=this_module, procedure='orthonormalize_basis_csp') return end subroutine orthonormalize_basis_csp subroutine orthogonalize_vector_against_basis_csp(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal, beta) !! Orthogonalizes the `abstract_vector` `y` against a basis `X` of `abstract_vector`. class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: y !! Input `abstract_vector` to orthogonalize class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(in) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. logical, optional, intent(in) :: if_chk_orthonormal logical :: chk_X_orthonormality !! Check that input Krylov vectors `X` form an orthonormal basis (expensive!) complex(sp), optional, intent(out) :: beta(:) !! Projection coefficients if requested ! internals complex(sp) :: proj_coefficients(size(X)) info = 0 ! optional input argument chk_X_orthonormality = optval(if_chk_orthonormal, .true.) ! default to true! ! check for zero vector if (y%norm() < atol_sp) info = 1 if (chk_X_orthonormality) then block complex(sp), dimension(size(X), size(X)) :: G call innerprod(G, X, X) if (abs(G(size(X),size(X))) < rtol_sp) then ! The last vector in X is zero, it does not impact orthogonalisation info = -2 else if (norm2(abs(G - eye(size(X)))) > rtol_sp) then ! The basis is not orthonormal. Cannot orthonormalize. info = -1 return end if end block end if ! orthogonalize call innerprod(proj_coefficients, X, y) block class(abstract_vector_csp), allocatable :: proj call linear_combination(proj, X, proj_coefficients) call y%sub(proj) end block if (present(beta)) then ! check size call assert_shape(beta, shape(proj_coefficients), 'beta', this_module, 'orthogonalize_vector_against_basis_csp') beta = proj_coefficients end if return end subroutine orthogonalize_vector_against_basis_csp subroutine orthogonalize_basis_against_basis_csp(Y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal, beta) !! Orthogonalizes the `abstract_vector` basis `Y` against a basis `X` of `abstract_vector`. class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: Y(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(in) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. logical, optional, intent(in) :: if_chk_orthonormal logical :: chk_X_orthonormality !! Check that input Krylov vectors `X` form an orthonormal basis (expensive!) complex(sp), optional, intent(out) :: beta(:,:) !! Projection coefficients if requested ! internals complex(sp) :: proj_coefficients(size(X), size(Y)) integer :: i info = 0 ! optional input argument chk_X_orthonormality = optval(if_chk_orthonormal, .true.) ! default to true! ! check for zero vector do i = 1, size(Y) if ( Y(i)%norm() < atol_sp) info = i end do if (chk_X_orthonormality) then block complex(sp), dimension(size(X), size(X)) :: G call innerprod(G, X, X) if (abs(G(size(X),size(X))) < rtol_sp) then ! The last vector in X is zero, it does not impact orthogonalisation info = -2 else if (norm2(abs(G - eye(size(X)))) > rtol_sp) then ! The basis is not orthonormal. Cannot orthonormalize. info = -1 return end if end block end if ! orthogonalize call innerprod(proj_coefficients, X, Y) block class(abstract_vector_csp), allocatable :: proj(:) call linear_combination(proj, X, proj_coefficients) call axpby_basis(Y, one_csp, proj, -one_csp) end block if (present(beta)) then ! check size call assert_shape(beta, shape(proj_coefficients), 'beta', this_module, 'orthogonalize_basis_against_basis_csp') beta = proj_coefficients end if return end subroutine orthogonalize_basis_against_basis_csp subroutine DGS_vector_against_basis_csp(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal, beta) !! Computes one step of the double Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process of the !! `abstract_vector` `y` against the `abstract_vector` basis `X` class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: y !! Input `abstract_vector` to orthogonalize class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(in) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. logical, optional, intent(in) :: if_chk_orthonormal logical :: chk_X_orthonormality !! Check that input Krylov vectors `X` form an orthonormal basis (expensive!) complex(sp), optional, intent(out) :: beta(:) !! Projection coefficients if requested ! internals complex(sp), dimension(size(X)) :: proj_coefficients, wrk ! optional input argument chk_X_orthonormality = optval(if_chk_orthonormal, .true.) ! default to true! info = 0 proj_coefficients = zero_csp; wrk = zero_csp ! Orthogonalize vector y w.r.t. to Krylov basis X in two passes of GS. ! first pass call orthogonalize_against_basis(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=proj_coefficients) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p1', module=this_module, & & procedure='DGS_vector_against_basis_csp, pass 1') ! second pass call orthogonalize_against_basis(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=wrk) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p2', module=this_module, & & procedure='DGS_vector_against_basis_csp, pass 2') ! combine passes proj_coefficients = proj_coefficients + wrk if (present(beta)) then ! check size call assert_shape(beta, shape(proj_coefficients), 'beta', this_module, 'DGS_vector_against_basis_csp') beta = proj_coefficients end if end subroutine DGS_vector_against_basis_csp subroutine DGS_basis_against_basis_csp(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal, beta) !! Computes one step of the double Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process of the !! `abstract_vector` `y` against the `abstract_vector` basis `X` class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: Y(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(in) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. logical, optional, intent(in) :: if_chk_orthonormal logical :: chk_X_orthonormality !! Check that input Krylov vectors `X` form an orthonormal basis (expensive!) complex(sp), optional, intent(out) :: beta(:,:) !! Projection coefficients if requested ! internals complex(sp), dimension(size(X),size(Y)) :: proj_coefficients, wrk ! optional input argument chk_X_orthonormality = optval(if_chk_orthonormal, .true.) ! default to true! info = 0 proj_coefficients = zero_csp; wrk = zero_csp ! Orthogonalize Krylov basis Y w.r.t. to Krylov basis X in two passes of GS. ! first pass call orthogonalize_against_basis(Y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=proj_coefficients) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p1', module=this_module, procedure='DGS_basis_against_basis_csp, first& & pass') ! second pass call orthogonalize_against_basis(Y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=wrk) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p2', module=this_module, procedure='DGS_basis_against_basis_csp, second& & pass') ! combine passes proj_coefficients = proj_coefficients + wrk if (present(beta)) then ! check size call assert_shape(beta, shape(proj_coefficients), 'beta', this_module, 'DGS_basis_against_basis_csp') beta = proj_coefficients end if end subroutine DGS_basis_against_basis_csp subroutine initialize_krylov_subspace_cdp(X, X0) class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: X(:) class(abstract_vector_cdp), optional, intent(in) :: X0(:) ! Internal variables. integer :: p ! Zero-out X. call zero_basis(X) ! Deals with optional args. if(present(X0)) then p = size(X0) ! Initialize. call copy(X(:p), X0) ! Orthonormalize. call orthonormalize_basis(X(:p)) endif return end subroutine initialize_krylov_subspace_cdp subroutine orthonormalize_basis_cdp(X) !! Orthonormalizes the `abstract_vector` basis `X` class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against ! internals complex(dp) :: R(size(X),size(X)) integer :: info ! internals call qr(X, R, info) call check_info(info, 'qr', module=this_module, procedure='orthonormalize_basis_cdp') return end subroutine orthonormalize_basis_cdp subroutine orthogonalize_vector_against_basis_cdp(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal, beta) !! Orthogonalizes the `abstract_vector` `y` against a basis `X` of `abstract_vector`. class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: y !! Input `abstract_vector` to orthogonalize class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. logical, optional, intent(in) :: if_chk_orthonormal logical :: chk_X_orthonormality !! Check that input Krylov vectors `X` form an orthonormal basis (expensive!) complex(dp), optional, intent(out) :: beta(:) !! Projection coefficients if requested ! internals complex(dp) :: proj_coefficients(size(X)) info = 0 ! optional input argument chk_X_orthonormality = optval(if_chk_orthonormal, .true.) ! default to true! ! check for zero vector if (y%norm() < atol_dp) info = 1 if (chk_X_orthonormality) then block complex(dp), dimension(size(X), size(X)) :: G call innerprod(G, X, X) if (abs(G(size(X),size(X))) < rtol_dp) then ! The last vector in X is zero, it does not impact orthogonalisation info = -2 else if (norm2(abs(G - eye(size(X)))) > rtol_dp) then ! The basis is not orthonormal. Cannot orthonormalize. info = -1 return end if end block end if ! orthogonalize call innerprod(proj_coefficients, X, y) block class(abstract_vector_cdp), allocatable :: proj call linear_combination(proj, X, proj_coefficients) call y%sub(proj) end block if (present(beta)) then ! check size call assert_shape(beta, shape(proj_coefficients), 'beta', this_module, 'orthogonalize_vector_against_basis_cdp') beta = proj_coefficients end if return end subroutine orthogonalize_vector_against_basis_cdp subroutine orthogonalize_basis_against_basis_cdp(Y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal, beta) !! Orthogonalizes the `abstract_vector` basis `Y` against a basis `X` of `abstract_vector`. class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: Y(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. logical, optional, intent(in) :: if_chk_orthonormal logical :: chk_X_orthonormality !! Check that input Krylov vectors `X` form an orthonormal basis (expensive!) complex(dp), optional, intent(out) :: beta(:,:) !! Projection coefficients if requested ! internals complex(dp) :: proj_coefficients(size(X), size(Y)) integer :: i info = 0 ! optional input argument chk_X_orthonormality = optval(if_chk_orthonormal, .true.) ! default to true! ! check for zero vector do i = 1, size(Y) if ( Y(i)%norm() < atol_dp) info = i end do if (chk_X_orthonormality) then block complex(dp), dimension(size(X), size(X)) :: G call innerprod(G, X, X) if (abs(G(size(X),size(X))) < rtol_dp) then ! The last vector in X is zero, it does not impact orthogonalisation info = -2 else if (norm2(abs(G - eye(size(X)))) > rtol_dp) then ! The basis is not orthonormal. Cannot orthonormalize. info = -1 return end if end block end if ! orthogonalize call innerprod(proj_coefficients, X, Y) block class(abstract_vector_cdp), allocatable :: proj(:) call linear_combination(proj, X, proj_coefficients) call axpby_basis(Y, one_cdp, proj, -one_cdp) end block if (present(beta)) then ! check size call assert_shape(beta, shape(proj_coefficients), 'beta', this_module, 'orthogonalize_basis_against_basis_cdp') beta = proj_coefficients end if return end subroutine orthogonalize_basis_against_basis_cdp subroutine DGS_vector_against_basis_cdp(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal, beta) !! Computes one step of the double Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process of the !! `abstract_vector` `y` against the `abstract_vector` basis `X` class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: y !! Input `abstract_vector` to orthogonalize class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. logical, optional, intent(in) :: if_chk_orthonormal logical :: chk_X_orthonormality !! Check that input Krylov vectors `X` form an orthonormal basis (expensive!) complex(dp), optional, intent(out) :: beta(:) !! Projection coefficients if requested ! internals complex(dp), dimension(size(X)) :: proj_coefficients, wrk ! optional input argument chk_X_orthonormality = optval(if_chk_orthonormal, .true.) ! default to true! info = 0 proj_coefficients = zero_cdp; wrk = zero_cdp ! Orthogonalize vector y w.r.t. to Krylov basis X in two passes of GS. ! first pass call orthogonalize_against_basis(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=proj_coefficients) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p1', module=this_module, & & procedure='DGS_vector_against_basis_cdp, pass 1') ! second pass call orthogonalize_against_basis(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=wrk) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p2', module=this_module, & & procedure='DGS_vector_against_basis_cdp, pass 2') ! combine passes proj_coefficients = proj_coefficients + wrk if (present(beta)) then ! check size call assert_shape(beta, shape(proj_coefficients), 'beta', this_module, 'DGS_vector_against_basis_cdp') beta = proj_coefficients end if end subroutine DGS_vector_against_basis_cdp subroutine DGS_basis_against_basis_cdp(y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal, beta) !! Computes one step of the double Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process of the !! `abstract_vector` `y` against the `abstract_vector` basis `X` class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: Y(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: X(:) !! Input `abstract_vector` basis to orthogonalize against integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. logical, optional, intent(in) :: if_chk_orthonormal logical :: chk_X_orthonormality !! Check that input Krylov vectors `X` form an orthonormal basis (expensive!) complex(dp), optional, intent(out) :: beta(:,:) !! Projection coefficients if requested ! internals complex(dp), dimension(size(X),size(Y)) :: proj_coefficients, wrk ! optional input argument chk_X_orthonormality = optval(if_chk_orthonormal, .true.) ! default to true! info = 0 proj_coefficients = zero_cdp; wrk = zero_cdp ! Orthogonalize Krylov basis Y w.r.t. to Krylov basis X in two passes of GS. ! first pass call orthogonalize_against_basis(Y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=proj_coefficients) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p1', module=this_module, procedure='DGS_basis_against_basis_cdp, first& & pass') ! second pass call orthogonalize_against_basis(Y, X, info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=wrk) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p2', module=this_module, procedure='DGS_basis_against_basis_cdp, second& & pass') ! combine passes proj_coefficients = proj_coefficients + wrk if (present(beta)) then ! check size call assert_shape(beta, shape(proj_coefficients), 'beta', this_module, 'DGS_basis_against_basis_cdp') beta = proj_coefficients end if end subroutine DGS_basis_against_basis_cdp !------------------------------------ !----- QR FACTORIZATION ----- !------------------------------------ subroutine qr_no_pivoting_rsp(Q, R, info, tol) class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Array of `abstract_vector` to be orthogonalized. real(sp), intent(out) :: R(:, :) !! Upper triangular matrix \(\mathbf{R}\) resulting from the QR factorization. integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. real(sp), optional, intent(in) :: tol !! Tolerance to determine colinearity. real(sp) :: tolerance ! Internal variables. real(sp) :: beta integer :: j logical :: flag character(len=128) :: msg ! Deals with the optional args. tolerance = optval(tol, atol_sp) info = 0 ; flag = .false.; R = zero_rsp ; beta = zero_rsp do j = 1, size(Q) if (j > 1) then ! Double Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization call double_gram_schmidt_step(Q(j), Q(:j-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta = R(:j-1,j)) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='qr_no_pivoting_rsp') end if ! Check for breakdown. beta = Q(j)%norm() if (abs(beta) < tolerance) then if (.not.flag) then flag = .true. info = j write(msg,'(A,I0,A,E15.8)') 'Colinear column detected after ', j, ' steps. beta= ', abs(beta) call logger%log_information(msg, module=this_module, procedure='qr_no_pivoting_rsp') end if R(j, j) = zero_rsp call Q(j)%rand() if (j > 1) then call double_gram_schmidt_step(Q(j), Q(:j-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='qr_with_pivoting_rsp') end if beta = Q(j)%norm() else R(j, j) = beta endif ! Normalize column. call Q(j)%scal(one_rsp / beta) enddo return end subroutine qr_no_pivoting_rsp subroutine qr_with_pivoting_rsp(Q, R, perm, info, tol) class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Array of `abstract_vector` to be orthogonalized. real(sp), intent(out) :: R(:, :) !! Upper triangular matrix resulting from the QR factorization. integer, intent(out) :: perm(size(Q)) !! Permutation matrix. integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. real(sp), optional, intent(in) :: tol !! Tolerance to detect colinearity. real(sp) :: tolerance ! Internal variables real(sp) :: beta integer :: idx, i, j, kdim integer :: idxv(1) real(sp) :: Rii(size(Q)) character(len=128) :: msg info = 0 ; kdim = size(Q) R = zero_rsp ; Rii = zero_rsp ! Deals with the optional arguments. tolerance = optval(tol, atol_sp) ! Initialize diagonal entries. do i = 1, kdim perm(i) = i Rii(i) = Q(i)%dot(Q(i)) enddo qr_step: do j = 1, kdim idxv = maxloc(abs(Rii)) ; idx = idxv(1) if (abs(Rii(idx)) < tolerance) then do i = j, kdim call Q(i)%rand() call double_gram_schmidt_step(Q(i), Q(:i-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='qr_with_pivoting_rsp') beta = Q(i)%norm(); call Q(i)%scal(one_rsp / beta) enddo info = j write(msg,'(A,I0,A,E15.8)') 'Breakdown after ', j, ' steps. R_ii= ', abs(Rii(idx)) call logger%log_information(msg, module=this_module, procedure='qr_with_pivoting_rsp') exit qr_step endif call swap_columns(Q, R, Rii, perm, j, idx) ! Check for breakdown. beta = Q(j)%norm() if (abs(beta) < tolerance) then info = j R(j, j) = zero_rsp call Q(j)%rand() call double_gram_schmidt_step(Q(j), Q(:j-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='qr_with_pivoting_rsp') beta = Q(j)%norm() else R(j, j) = beta endif ! Normalize column. call Q(j)%scal(one_rsp / beta) ! Orthogonalize all columns against new vector. do i = j+1, kdim beta = Q(j)%dot(Q(i)) call Q(i)%axpby(one_rsp, Q(j), -beta) R(j, i) = beta enddo ! Update Rii. Rii(j) = zero_rsp do i = j+1, kdim Rii(i) = Rii(i) - R(j, i)**2 enddo enddo qr_step return end subroutine qr_with_pivoting_rsp subroutine swap_columns_rsp(Q, R, Rii, perm, i, j) class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Vector basis whose i-th and j-th columns need swapping. real(sp), intent(inout) :: R(:, :) !! Upper triangular matrix resulting from QR. real(sp), intent(inout) :: Rii(:) !! Diagonal entries of R. integer, intent(inout) :: perm(:) !! Column ordering. integer, intent(in) :: i, j !! Index of the columns to be swapped. ! Internal variables. class(abstract_vector_rsp), allocatable :: Qwrk real(sp), allocatable :: Rwrk(:) integer :: iwrk, m, n ! Sanity checks. m = size(Q) ; n = min(i, j) - 1 ! Allocations. allocate(Qwrk, source=Q(1)) ; call Qwrk%zero() allocate(Rwrk(max(1, n))) ; Rwrk = zero_rsp ! Swap columns. call copy(Qwrk, Q(j)) call copy(Q(j), Q(i)) call copy(Q(i), Qwrk) Rwrk(1) = Rii(j); Rii(j) = Rii(i); Rii(i) = Rwrk(1) iwrk = perm(j); perm(j) = perm(i) ; perm(i) = iwrk if (n > 0) then Rwrk = R(:n, j) ; R(:n, j) = R(:n, i) ; R(:n, i) = Rwrk endif return end subroutine swap_columns_rsp subroutine apply_permutation_matrix_rsp(Q, perm) class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Basis vectors to be permuted. integer, intent(in) :: perm(:) !! Permutation matrix (vector representation). ! Internal variables. integer :: i class(abstract_vector_rsp), allocatable :: Qwrk(:) allocate(Qwrk, source=Q) do i = 1, size(perm) call copy(Q(i), Qwrk(perm(i))) enddo return end subroutine apply_permutation_matrix_rsp subroutine apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_rsp(Q, perm) class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Basis vectors to be (un-) permuted. integer, intent(in) :: perm(:) !! Permutation matrix (vector representation). ! Internal variables. integer :: i integer :: inv_perm(size(perm)) class(abstract_vector_rsp), allocatable :: Qwrk(:) allocate(Qwrk, source=Q) ; inv_perm = 0 ! Inverse permutation vector. do i = 1, size(perm) inv_perm(perm(i)) = i enddo ! Undo permutation. do i = 1, size(perm) call copy(Q(i), Qwrk(inv_perm(i))) enddo return end subroutine apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_rsp subroutine apply_permutation_matrix_array_rsp(Q, perm) real(sp), intent(inout) :: Q(:, :) !! Basis vectors to be permuted. integer, intent(in) :: perm(:) !! Permutation matrix (vector representation). ! Internal variables. integer :: i real(sp), allocatable :: Qwrk(:, :) allocate(Qwrk, source=Q) do i = 1, size(perm) Q(:, i) = Qwrk(:, perm(i)) enddo return end subroutine apply_permutation_matrix_array_rsp subroutine apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_array_rsp(Q, perm) real(sp), intent(inout) :: Q(:, :) !! Basis vectors to be (un-) permuted. integer, intent(in) :: perm(:) !! Permutation matrix (vector representation). ! Internal variables. integer :: i integer :: inv_perm(size(perm)) real(sp), allocatable :: Qwrk(:, :) allocate(Qwrk, source=Q) ; inv_perm = 0 ! Inverse permutation vector. do i = 1, size(perm) inv_perm(perm(i)) = i enddo ! Undo permutation. do i = 1, size(perm) Q(:, i) = Qwrk(:, inv_perm(i)) enddo return end subroutine apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_array_rsp subroutine qr_no_pivoting_rdp(Q, R, info, tol) class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Array of `abstract_vector` to be orthogonalized. real(dp), intent(out) :: R(:, :) !! Upper triangular matrix \(\mathbf{R}\) resulting from the QR factorization. integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: tol !! Tolerance to determine colinearity. real(dp) :: tolerance ! Internal variables. real(dp) :: beta integer :: j logical :: flag character(len=128) :: msg ! Deals with the optional args. tolerance = optval(tol, atol_dp) info = 0 ; flag = .false.; R = zero_rdp ; beta = zero_rdp do j = 1, size(Q) if (j > 1) then ! Double Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization call double_gram_schmidt_step(Q(j), Q(:j-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta = R(:j-1,j)) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='qr_no_pivoting_rdp') end if ! Check for breakdown. beta = Q(j)%norm() if (abs(beta) < tolerance) then if (.not.flag) then flag = .true. info = j write(msg,'(A,I0,A,E15.8)') 'Colinear column detected after ', j, ' steps. beta= ', abs(beta) call logger%log_information(msg, module=this_module, procedure='qr_no_pivoting_rdp') end if R(j, j) = zero_rdp call Q(j)%rand() if (j > 1) then call double_gram_schmidt_step(Q(j), Q(:j-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='qr_with_pivoting_rdp') end if beta = Q(j)%norm() else R(j, j) = beta endif ! Normalize column. call Q(j)%scal(one_rdp / beta) enddo return end subroutine qr_no_pivoting_rdp subroutine qr_with_pivoting_rdp(Q, R, perm, info, tol) class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Array of `abstract_vector` to be orthogonalized. real(dp), intent(out) :: R(:, :) !! Upper triangular matrix resulting from the QR factorization. integer, intent(out) :: perm(size(Q)) !! Permutation matrix. integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: tol !! Tolerance to detect colinearity. real(dp) :: tolerance ! Internal variables real(dp) :: beta integer :: idx, i, j, kdim integer :: idxv(1) real(dp) :: Rii(size(Q)) character(len=128) :: msg info = 0 ; kdim = size(Q) R = zero_rdp ; Rii = zero_rdp ! Deals with the optional arguments. tolerance = optval(tol, atol_dp) ! Initialize diagonal entries. do i = 1, kdim perm(i) = i Rii(i) = Q(i)%dot(Q(i)) enddo qr_step: do j = 1, kdim idxv = maxloc(abs(Rii)) ; idx = idxv(1) if (abs(Rii(idx)) < tolerance) then do i = j, kdim call Q(i)%rand() call double_gram_schmidt_step(Q(i), Q(:i-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='qr_with_pivoting_rdp') beta = Q(i)%norm(); call Q(i)%scal(one_rdp / beta) enddo info = j write(msg,'(A,I0,A,E15.8)') 'Breakdown after ', j, ' steps. R_ii= ', abs(Rii(idx)) call logger%log_information(msg, module=this_module, procedure='qr_with_pivoting_rdp') exit qr_step endif call swap_columns(Q, R, Rii, perm, j, idx) ! Check for breakdown. beta = Q(j)%norm() if (abs(beta) < tolerance) then info = j R(j, j) = zero_rdp call Q(j)%rand() call double_gram_schmidt_step(Q(j), Q(:j-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='qr_with_pivoting_rdp') beta = Q(j)%norm() else R(j, j) = beta endif ! Normalize column. call Q(j)%scal(one_rdp / beta) ! Orthogonalize all columns against new vector. do i = j+1, kdim beta = Q(j)%dot(Q(i)) call Q(i)%axpby(one_rdp, Q(j), -beta) R(j, i) = beta enddo ! Update Rii. Rii(j) = zero_rdp do i = j+1, kdim Rii(i) = Rii(i) - R(j, i)**2 enddo enddo qr_step return end subroutine qr_with_pivoting_rdp subroutine swap_columns_rdp(Q, R, Rii, perm, i, j) class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Vector basis whose i-th and j-th columns need swapping. real(dp), intent(inout) :: R(:, :) !! Upper triangular matrix resulting from QR. real(dp), intent(inout) :: Rii(:) !! Diagonal entries of R. integer, intent(inout) :: perm(:) !! Column ordering. integer, intent(in) :: i, j !! Index of the columns to be swapped. ! Internal variables. class(abstract_vector_rdp), allocatable :: Qwrk real(dp), allocatable :: Rwrk(:) integer :: iwrk, m, n ! Sanity checks. m = size(Q) ; n = min(i, j) - 1 ! Allocations. allocate(Qwrk, source=Q(1)) ; call Qwrk%zero() allocate(Rwrk(max(1, n))) ; Rwrk = zero_rdp ! Swap columns. call copy(Qwrk, Q(j)) call copy(Q(j), Q(i)) call copy(Q(i), Qwrk) Rwrk(1) = Rii(j); Rii(j) = Rii(i); Rii(i) = Rwrk(1) iwrk = perm(j); perm(j) = perm(i) ; perm(i) = iwrk if (n > 0) then Rwrk = R(:n, j) ; R(:n, j) = R(:n, i) ; R(:n, i) = Rwrk endif return end subroutine swap_columns_rdp subroutine apply_permutation_matrix_rdp(Q, perm) class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Basis vectors to be permuted. integer, intent(in) :: perm(:) !! Permutation matrix (vector representation). ! Internal variables. integer :: i class(abstract_vector_rdp), allocatable :: Qwrk(:) allocate(Qwrk, source=Q) do i = 1, size(perm) call copy(Q(i), Qwrk(perm(i))) enddo return end subroutine apply_permutation_matrix_rdp subroutine apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_rdp(Q, perm) class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Basis vectors to be (un-) permuted. integer, intent(in) :: perm(:) !! Permutation matrix (vector representation). ! Internal variables. integer :: i integer :: inv_perm(size(perm)) class(abstract_vector_rdp), allocatable :: Qwrk(:) allocate(Qwrk, source=Q) ; inv_perm = 0 ! Inverse permutation vector. do i = 1, size(perm) inv_perm(perm(i)) = i enddo ! Undo permutation. do i = 1, size(perm) call copy(Q(i), Qwrk(inv_perm(i))) enddo return end subroutine apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_rdp subroutine apply_permutation_matrix_array_rdp(Q, perm) real(dp), intent(inout) :: Q(:, :) !! Basis vectors to be permuted. integer, intent(in) :: perm(:) !! Permutation matrix (vector representation). ! Internal variables. integer :: i real(dp), allocatable :: Qwrk(:, :) allocate(Qwrk, source=Q) do i = 1, size(perm) Q(:, i) = Qwrk(:, perm(i)) enddo return end subroutine apply_permutation_matrix_array_rdp subroutine apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_array_rdp(Q, perm) real(dp), intent(inout) :: Q(:, :) !! Basis vectors to be (un-) permuted. integer, intent(in) :: perm(:) !! Permutation matrix (vector representation). ! Internal variables. integer :: i integer :: inv_perm(size(perm)) real(dp), allocatable :: Qwrk(:, :) allocate(Qwrk, source=Q) ; inv_perm = 0 ! Inverse permutation vector. do i = 1, size(perm) inv_perm(perm(i)) = i enddo ! Undo permutation. do i = 1, size(perm) Q(:, i) = Qwrk(:, inv_perm(i)) enddo return end subroutine apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_array_rdp subroutine qr_no_pivoting_csp(Q, R, info, tol) class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Array of `abstract_vector` to be orthogonalized. complex(sp), intent(out) :: R(:, :) !! Upper triangular matrix \(\mathbf{R}\) resulting from the QR factorization. integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. real(sp), optional, intent(in) :: tol !! Tolerance to determine colinearity. real(sp) :: tolerance ! Internal variables. complex(sp) :: beta integer :: j logical :: flag character(len=128) :: msg ! Deals with the optional args. tolerance = optval(tol, atol_sp) info = 0 ; flag = .false.; R = zero_rsp ; beta = zero_rsp do j = 1, size(Q) if (j > 1) then ! Double Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization call double_gram_schmidt_step(Q(j), Q(:j-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta = R(:j-1,j)) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='qr_no_pivoting_csp') end if ! Check for breakdown. beta = Q(j)%norm() if (abs(beta) < tolerance) then if (.not.flag) then flag = .true. info = j write(msg,'(A,I0,A,E15.8)') 'Colinear column detected after ', j, ' steps. beta= ', abs(beta) call logger%log_information(msg, module=this_module, procedure='qr_no_pivoting_csp') end if R(j, j) = zero_rsp call Q(j)%rand() if (j > 1) then call double_gram_schmidt_step(Q(j), Q(:j-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='qr_with_pivoting_csp') end if beta = Q(j)%norm() else R(j, j) = beta endif ! Normalize column. call Q(j)%scal(one_rsp / beta) enddo return end subroutine qr_no_pivoting_csp subroutine qr_with_pivoting_csp(Q, R, perm, info, tol) class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Array of `abstract_vector` to be orthogonalized. complex(sp), intent(out) :: R(:, :) !! Upper triangular matrix resulting from the QR factorization. integer, intent(out) :: perm(size(Q)) !! Permutation matrix. integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. real(sp), optional, intent(in) :: tol !! Tolerance to detect colinearity. real(sp) :: tolerance ! Internal variables complex(sp) :: beta integer :: idx, i, j, kdim integer :: idxv(1) complex(sp) :: Rii(size(Q)) character(len=128) :: msg info = 0 ; kdim = size(Q) R = zero_rsp ; Rii = zero_rsp ! Deals with the optional arguments. tolerance = optval(tol, atol_sp) ! Initialize diagonal entries. do i = 1, kdim perm(i) = i Rii(i) = Q(i)%dot(Q(i)) enddo qr_step: do j = 1, kdim idxv = maxloc(abs(Rii)) ; idx = idxv(1) if (abs(Rii(idx)) < tolerance) then do i = j, kdim call Q(i)%rand() call double_gram_schmidt_step(Q(i), Q(:i-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='qr_with_pivoting_csp') beta = Q(i)%norm(); call Q(i)%scal(one_csp / beta) enddo info = j write(msg,'(A,I0,A,E15.8)') 'Breakdown after ', j, ' steps. R_ii= ', abs(Rii(idx)) call logger%log_information(msg, module=this_module, procedure='qr_with_pivoting_csp') exit qr_step endif call swap_columns(Q, R, Rii, perm, j, idx) ! Check for breakdown. beta = Q(j)%norm() if (abs(beta) < tolerance) then info = j R(j, j) = zero_rsp call Q(j)%rand() call double_gram_schmidt_step(Q(j), Q(:j-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='qr_with_pivoting_csp') beta = Q(j)%norm() else R(j, j) = beta endif ! Normalize column. call Q(j)%scal(one_rsp / beta) ! Orthogonalize all columns against new vector. do i = j+1, kdim beta = Q(j)%dot(Q(i)) call Q(i)%axpby(one_csp, Q(j), -beta) R(j, i) = beta enddo ! Update Rii. Rii(j) = zero_rsp do i = j+1, kdim Rii(i) = Rii(i) - R(j, i)**2 enddo enddo qr_step return end subroutine qr_with_pivoting_csp subroutine swap_columns_csp(Q, R, Rii, perm, i, j) class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Vector basis whose i-th and j-th columns need swapping. complex(sp), intent(inout) :: R(:, :) !! Upper triangular matrix resulting from QR. complex(sp), intent(inout) :: Rii(:) !! Diagonal entries of R. integer, intent(inout) :: perm(:) !! Column ordering. integer, intent(in) :: i, j !! Index of the columns to be swapped. ! Internal variables. class(abstract_vector_csp), allocatable :: Qwrk complex(sp), allocatable :: Rwrk(:) integer :: iwrk, m, n ! Sanity checks. m = size(Q) ; n = min(i, j) - 1 ! Allocations. allocate(Qwrk, source=Q(1)) ; call Qwrk%zero() allocate(Rwrk(max(1, n))) ; Rwrk = zero_rsp ! Swap columns. call copy(Qwrk, Q(j)) call copy(Q(j), Q(i)) call copy(Q(i), Qwrk) Rwrk(1) = Rii(j); Rii(j) = Rii(i); Rii(i) = Rwrk(1) iwrk = perm(j); perm(j) = perm(i) ; perm(i) = iwrk if (n > 0) then Rwrk = R(:n, j) ; R(:n, j) = R(:n, i) ; R(:n, i) = Rwrk endif return end subroutine swap_columns_csp subroutine apply_permutation_matrix_csp(Q, perm) class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Basis vectors to be permuted. integer, intent(in) :: perm(:) !! Permutation matrix (vector representation). ! Internal variables. integer :: i class(abstract_vector_csp), allocatable :: Qwrk(:) allocate(Qwrk, source=Q) do i = 1, size(perm) call copy(Q(i), Qwrk(perm(i))) enddo return end subroutine apply_permutation_matrix_csp subroutine apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_csp(Q, perm) class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Basis vectors to be (un-) permuted. integer, intent(in) :: perm(:) !! Permutation matrix (vector representation). ! Internal variables. integer :: i integer :: inv_perm(size(perm)) class(abstract_vector_csp), allocatable :: Qwrk(:) allocate(Qwrk, source=Q) ; inv_perm = 0 ! Inverse permutation vector. do i = 1, size(perm) inv_perm(perm(i)) = i enddo ! Undo permutation. do i = 1, size(perm) call copy(Q(i), Qwrk(inv_perm(i))) enddo return end subroutine apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_csp subroutine apply_permutation_matrix_array_csp(Q, perm) complex(sp), intent(inout) :: Q(:, :) !! Basis vectors to be permuted. integer, intent(in) :: perm(:) !! Permutation matrix (vector representation). ! Internal variables. integer :: i complex(sp), allocatable :: Qwrk(:, :) allocate(Qwrk, source=Q) do i = 1, size(perm) Q(:, i) = Qwrk(:, perm(i)) enddo return end subroutine apply_permutation_matrix_array_csp subroutine apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_array_csp(Q, perm) complex(sp), intent(inout) :: Q(:, :) !! Basis vectors to be (un-) permuted. integer, intent(in) :: perm(:) !! Permutation matrix (vector representation). ! Internal variables. integer :: i integer :: inv_perm(size(perm)) complex(sp), allocatable :: Qwrk(:, :) allocate(Qwrk, source=Q) ; inv_perm = 0 ! Inverse permutation vector. do i = 1, size(perm) inv_perm(perm(i)) = i enddo ! Undo permutation. do i = 1, size(perm) Q(:, i) = Qwrk(:, inv_perm(i)) enddo return end subroutine apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_array_csp subroutine qr_no_pivoting_cdp(Q, R, info, tol) class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Array of `abstract_vector` to be orthogonalized. complex(dp), intent(out) :: R(:, :) !! Upper triangular matrix \(\mathbf{R}\) resulting from the QR factorization. integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: tol !! Tolerance to determine colinearity. real(dp) :: tolerance ! Internal variables. complex(dp) :: beta integer :: j logical :: flag character(len=128) :: msg ! Deals with the optional args. tolerance = optval(tol, atol_dp) info = 0 ; flag = .false.; R = zero_rdp ; beta = zero_rdp do j = 1, size(Q) if (j > 1) then ! Double Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization call double_gram_schmidt_step(Q(j), Q(:j-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta = R(:j-1,j)) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='qr_no_pivoting_cdp') end if ! Check for breakdown. beta = Q(j)%norm() if (abs(beta) < tolerance) then if (.not.flag) then flag = .true. info = j write(msg,'(A,I0,A,E15.8)') 'Colinear column detected after ', j, ' steps. beta= ', abs(beta) call logger%log_information(msg, module=this_module, procedure='qr_no_pivoting_cdp') end if R(j, j) = zero_rdp call Q(j)%rand() if (j > 1) then call double_gram_schmidt_step(Q(j), Q(:j-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='qr_with_pivoting_cdp') end if beta = Q(j)%norm() else R(j, j) = beta endif ! Normalize column. call Q(j)%scal(one_rdp / beta) enddo return end subroutine qr_no_pivoting_cdp subroutine qr_with_pivoting_cdp(Q, R, perm, info, tol) class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Array of `abstract_vector` to be orthogonalized. complex(dp), intent(out) :: R(:, :) !! Upper triangular matrix resulting from the QR factorization. integer, intent(out) :: perm(size(Q)) !! Permutation matrix. integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: tol !! Tolerance to detect colinearity. real(dp) :: tolerance ! Internal variables complex(dp) :: beta integer :: idx, i, j, kdim integer :: idxv(1) complex(dp) :: Rii(size(Q)) character(len=128) :: msg info = 0 ; kdim = size(Q) R = zero_rdp ; Rii = zero_rdp ! Deals with the optional arguments. tolerance = optval(tol, atol_dp) ! Initialize diagonal entries. do i = 1, kdim perm(i) = i Rii(i) = Q(i)%dot(Q(i)) enddo qr_step: do j = 1, kdim idxv = maxloc(abs(Rii)) ; idx = idxv(1) if (abs(Rii(idx)) < tolerance) then do i = j, kdim call Q(i)%rand() call double_gram_schmidt_step(Q(i), Q(:i-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='qr_with_pivoting_cdp') beta = Q(i)%norm(); call Q(i)%scal(one_cdp / beta) enddo info = j write(msg,'(A,I0,A,E15.8)') 'Breakdown after ', j, ' steps. R_ii= ', abs(Rii(idx)) call logger%log_information(msg, module=this_module, procedure='qr_with_pivoting_cdp') exit qr_step endif call swap_columns(Q, R, Rii, perm, j, idx) ! Check for breakdown. beta = Q(j)%norm() if (abs(beta) < tolerance) then info = j R(j, j) = zero_rdp call Q(j)%rand() call double_gram_schmidt_step(Q(j), Q(:j-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='qr_with_pivoting_cdp') beta = Q(j)%norm() else R(j, j) = beta endif ! Normalize column. call Q(j)%scal(one_rdp / beta) ! Orthogonalize all columns against new vector. do i = j+1, kdim beta = Q(j)%dot(Q(i)) call Q(i)%axpby(one_cdp, Q(j), -beta) R(j, i) = beta enddo ! Update Rii. Rii(j) = zero_rdp do i = j+1, kdim Rii(i) = Rii(i) - R(j, i)**2 enddo enddo qr_step return end subroutine qr_with_pivoting_cdp subroutine swap_columns_cdp(Q, R, Rii, perm, i, j) class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Vector basis whose i-th and j-th columns need swapping. complex(dp), intent(inout) :: R(:, :) !! Upper triangular matrix resulting from QR. complex(dp), intent(inout) :: Rii(:) !! Diagonal entries of R. integer, intent(inout) :: perm(:) !! Column ordering. integer, intent(in) :: i, j !! Index of the columns to be swapped. ! Internal variables. class(abstract_vector_cdp), allocatable :: Qwrk complex(dp), allocatable :: Rwrk(:) integer :: iwrk, m, n ! Sanity checks. m = size(Q) ; n = min(i, j) - 1 ! Allocations. allocate(Qwrk, source=Q(1)) ; call Qwrk%zero() allocate(Rwrk(max(1, n))) ; Rwrk = zero_rdp ! Swap columns. call copy(Qwrk, Q(j)) call copy(Q(j), Q(i)) call copy(Q(i), Qwrk) Rwrk(1) = Rii(j); Rii(j) = Rii(i); Rii(i) = Rwrk(1) iwrk = perm(j); perm(j) = perm(i) ; perm(i) = iwrk if (n > 0) then Rwrk = R(:n, j) ; R(:n, j) = R(:n, i) ; R(:n, i) = Rwrk endif return end subroutine swap_columns_cdp subroutine apply_permutation_matrix_cdp(Q, perm) class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Basis vectors to be permuted. integer, intent(in) :: perm(:) !! Permutation matrix (vector representation). ! Internal variables. integer :: i class(abstract_vector_cdp), allocatable :: Qwrk(:) allocate(Qwrk, source=Q) do i = 1, size(perm) call copy(Q(i), Qwrk(perm(i))) enddo return end subroutine apply_permutation_matrix_cdp subroutine apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_cdp(Q, perm) class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: Q(:) !! Basis vectors to be (un-) permuted. integer, intent(in) :: perm(:) !! Permutation matrix (vector representation). ! Internal variables. integer :: i integer :: inv_perm(size(perm)) class(abstract_vector_cdp), allocatable :: Qwrk(:) allocate(Qwrk, source=Q) ; inv_perm = 0 ! Inverse permutation vector. do i = 1, size(perm) inv_perm(perm(i)) = i enddo ! Undo permutation. do i = 1, size(perm) call copy(Q(i), Qwrk(inv_perm(i))) enddo return end subroutine apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_cdp subroutine apply_permutation_matrix_array_cdp(Q, perm) complex(dp), intent(inout) :: Q(:, :) !! Basis vectors to be permuted. integer, intent(in) :: perm(:) !! Permutation matrix (vector representation). ! Internal variables. integer :: i complex(dp), allocatable :: Qwrk(:, :) allocate(Qwrk, source=Q) do i = 1, size(perm) Q(:, i) = Qwrk(:, perm(i)) enddo return end subroutine apply_permutation_matrix_array_cdp subroutine apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_array_cdp(Q, perm) complex(dp), intent(inout) :: Q(:, :) !! Basis vectors to be (un-) permuted. integer, intent(in) :: perm(:) !! Permutation matrix (vector representation). ! Internal variables. integer :: i integer :: inv_perm(size(perm)) complex(dp), allocatable :: Qwrk(:, :) allocate(Qwrk, source=Q) ; inv_perm = 0 ! Inverse permutation vector. do i = 1, size(perm) inv_perm(perm(i)) = i enddo ! Undo permutation. do i = 1, size(perm) Q(:, i) = Qwrk(:, inv_perm(i)) enddo return end subroutine apply_inverse_permutation_matrix_array_cdp !----------------------------------------- !----- ARNOLDI FACTORIZATION ----- !----------------------------------------- subroutine arnoldi_rsp(A, X, H, info, kstart, kend, tol, transpose, blksize) class(abstract_linop_rsp), intent(in) :: A !! Linear operator to be factorized. class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: X(:) !! Orthogonal basis for the generated Krylov subspace. real(sp), intent(inout) :: H(:, :) !! Upper Hessenberg matrix. integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. integer, optional, intent(in) :: kstart !! Starting index for the Arnoldi factorization (default 1). integer, optional, intent(in) :: kend !! Final index for the Arnoldi factorization (default `size(X)-1`) logical, optional, intent(in) :: transpose !! Whether \( \mathbf{A} \) is being transposed or not (default `.false.`) real(sp), optional, intent(in) :: tol !! Tolerance to determine whether an invariant subspace has been computed or not. integer, optional, intent(in) :: blksize !! Block size for block Arnoldi (default 1). ! Internal variables. integer :: k_start, k_end, p logical :: trans real(sp) :: tolerance real(sp) :: beta real(sp), allocatable :: res(:) integer, allocatable :: perm(:) integer :: k, i, kdim, kpm, kp, kpp ! Deals with optional non-unity blksize and allocations. p = optval(blksize, 1) ; allocate(res(p)) ; res = zero_rsp allocate(perm(size(H, 2))) ; perm = 0 ; info = 0 ! Check dimensions. kdim = (size(X) - p) / p ! Deal with the other optional args. k_start = optval(kstart, 1) ; k_end = optval(kend, kdim) tolerance = optval (tol, atol_sp) trans = optval(transpose, .false.) ! Arnoldi factorization. blk_arnoldi: do k = k_start, k_end ! Counters kpm = (k - 1) * p ; kp = kpm + p ; kpp = kp + p ! Matrix-vector product. if (trans) then do i = 1, p call A%rmatvec(X(kpm+i), X(kp+i)) enddo else do i = 1, p call A%matvec(X(kpm+i), X(kp+i)) enddo endif ! Update Hessenberg matrix via batch double Gram-Schmidt step. call double_gram_schmidt_step(X(kp+1:kpp), X(:kp), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=H(:kp, kpm+1:kp)) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='arnoldi_rsp') ! Orthogonalize current blk vectors. call qr(X(kp+1:kpp), H(kp+1:kpp, kpm+1:kp), info) call check_info(info, 'qr', module=this_module, procedure='arnoldi_rsp') ! Extract residual norm (smallest diagonal element of H matrix). res = zero_rsp do i = 1, p res(i) = H(kp+i, kpm+i) enddo beta = minval(abs(res)) ! Exit Arnoldi loop if needed. if (beta < tolerance) then ! Dimension of the computed invariant subspace. info = kp ! Exit the Arnoldi iteration. exit blk_arnoldi endif enddo blk_arnoldi return end subroutine arnoldi_rsp subroutine arnoldi_rdp(A, X, H, info, kstart, kend, tol, transpose, blksize) class(abstract_linop_rdp), intent(in) :: A !! Linear operator to be factorized. class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: X(:) !! Orthogonal basis for the generated Krylov subspace. real(dp), intent(inout) :: H(:, :) !! Upper Hessenberg matrix. integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. integer, optional, intent(in) :: kstart !! Starting index for the Arnoldi factorization (default 1). integer, optional, intent(in) :: kend !! Final index for the Arnoldi factorization (default `size(X)-1`) logical, optional, intent(in) :: transpose !! Whether \( \mathbf{A} \) is being transposed or not (default `.false.`) real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: tol !! Tolerance to determine whether an invariant subspace has been computed or not. integer, optional, intent(in) :: blksize !! Block size for block Arnoldi (default 1). ! Internal variables. integer :: k_start, k_end, p logical :: trans real(dp) :: tolerance real(dp) :: beta real(dp), allocatable :: res(:) integer, allocatable :: perm(:) integer :: k, i, kdim, kpm, kp, kpp ! Deals with optional non-unity blksize and allocations. p = optval(blksize, 1) ; allocate(res(p)) ; res = zero_rdp allocate(perm(size(H, 2))) ; perm = 0 ; info = 0 ! Check dimensions. kdim = (size(X) - p) / p ! Deal with the other optional args. k_start = optval(kstart, 1) ; k_end = optval(kend, kdim) tolerance = optval (tol, atol_dp) trans = optval(transpose, .false.) ! Arnoldi factorization. blk_arnoldi: do k = k_start, k_end ! Counters kpm = (k - 1) * p ; kp = kpm + p ; kpp = kp + p ! Matrix-vector product. if (trans) then do i = 1, p call A%rmatvec(X(kpm+i), X(kp+i)) enddo else do i = 1, p call A%matvec(X(kpm+i), X(kp+i)) enddo endif ! Update Hessenberg matrix via batch double Gram-Schmidt step. call double_gram_schmidt_step(X(kp+1:kpp), X(:kp), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=H(:kp, kpm+1:kp)) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='arnoldi_rdp') ! Orthogonalize current blk vectors. call qr(X(kp+1:kpp), H(kp+1:kpp, kpm+1:kp), info) call check_info(info, 'qr', module=this_module, procedure='arnoldi_rdp') ! Extract residual norm (smallest diagonal element of H matrix). res = zero_rdp do i = 1, p res(i) = H(kp+i, kpm+i) enddo beta = minval(abs(res)) ! Exit Arnoldi loop if needed. if (beta < tolerance) then ! Dimension of the computed invariant subspace. info = kp ! Exit the Arnoldi iteration. exit blk_arnoldi endif enddo blk_arnoldi return end subroutine arnoldi_rdp subroutine arnoldi_csp(A, X, H, info, kstart, kend, tol, transpose, blksize) class(abstract_linop_csp), intent(in) :: A !! Linear operator to be factorized. class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: X(:) !! Orthogonal basis for the generated Krylov subspace. complex(sp), intent(inout) :: H(:, :) !! Upper Hessenberg matrix. integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. integer, optional, intent(in) :: kstart !! Starting index for the Arnoldi factorization (default 1). integer, optional, intent(in) :: kend !! Final index for the Arnoldi factorization (default `size(X)-1`) logical, optional, intent(in) :: transpose !! Whether \( \mathbf{A} \) is being transposed or not (default `.false.`) real(sp), optional, intent(in) :: tol !! Tolerance to determine whether an invariant subspace has been computed or not. integer, optional, intent(in) :: blksize !! Block size for block Arnoldi (default 1). ! Internal variables. integer :: k_start, k_end, p logical :: trans real(sp) :: tolerance real(sp) :: beta complex(sp), allocatable :: res(:) integer, allocatable :: perm(:) integer :: k, i, kdim, kpm, kp, kpp ! Deals with optional non-unity blksize and allocations. p = optval(blksize, 1) ; allocate(res(p)) ; res = zero_rsp allocate(perm(size(H, 2))) ; perm = 0 ; info = 0 ! Check dimensions. kdim = (size(X) - p) / p ! Deal with the other optional args. k_start = optval(kstart, 1) ; k_end = optval(kend, kdim) tolerance = optval (tol, atol_sp) trans = optval(transpose, .false.) ! Arnoldi factorization. blk_arnoldi: do k = k_start, k_end ! Counters kpm = (k - 1) * p ; kp = kpm + p ; kpp = kp + p ! Matrix-vector product. if (trans) then do i = 1, p call A%rmatvec(X(kpm+i), X(kp+i)) enddo else do i = 1, p call A%matvec(X(kpm+i), X(kp+i)) enddo endif ! Update Hessenberg matrix via batch double Gram-Schmidt step. call double_gram_schmidt_step(X(kp+1:kpp), X(:kp), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=H(:kp, kpm+1:kp)) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='arnoldi_csp') ! Orthogonalize current blk vectors. call qr(X(kp+1:kpp), H(kp+1:kpp, kpm+1:kp), info) call check_info(info, 'qr', module=this_module, procedure='arnoldi_csp') ! Extract residual norm (smallest diagonal element of H matrix). res = zero_rsp do i = 1, p res(i) = H(kp+i, kpm+i) enddo beta = minval(abs(res)) ! Exit Arnoldi loop if needed. if (beta < tolerance) then ! Dimension of the computed invariant subspace. info = kp ! Exit the Arnoldi iteration. exit blk_arnoldi endif enddo blk_arnoldi return end subroutine arnoldi_csp subroutine arnoldi_cdp(A, X, H, info, kstart, kend, tol, transpose, blksize) class(abstract_linop_cdp), intent(in) :: A !! Linear operator to be factorized. class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: X(:) !! Orthogonal basis for the generated Krylov subspace. complex(dp), intent(inout) :: H(:, :) !! Upper Hessenberg matrix. integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. integer, optional, intent(in) :: kstart !! Starting index for the Arnoldi factorization (default 1). integer, optional, intent(in) :: kend !! Final index for the Arnoldi factorization (default `size(X)-1`) logical, optional, intent(in) :: transpose !! Whether \( \mathbf{A} \) is being transposed or not (default `.false.`) real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: tol !! Tolerance to determine whether an invariant subspace has been computed or not. integer, optional, intent(in) :: blksize !! Block size for block Arnoldi (default 1). ! Internal variables. integer :: k_start, k_end, p logical :: trans real(dp) :: tolerance real(dp) :: beta complex(dp), allocatable :: res(:) integer, allocatable :: perm(:) integer :: k, i, kdim, kpm, kp, kpp ! Deals with optional non-unity blksize and allocations. p = optval(blksize, 1) ; allocate(res(p)) ; res = zero_rdp allocate(perm(size(H, 2))) ; perm = 0 ; info = 0 ! Check dimensions. kdim = (size(X) - p) / p ! Deal with the other optional args. k_start = optval(kstart, 1) ; k_end = optval(kend, kdim) tolerance = optval (tol, atol_dp) trans = optval(transpose, .false.) ! Arnoldi factorization. blk_arnoldi: do k = k_start, k_end ! Counters kpm = (k - 1) * p ; kp = kpm + p ; kpp = kp + p ! Matrix-vector product. if (trans) then do i = 1, p call A%rmatvec(X(kpm+i), X(kp+i)) enddo else do i = 1, p call A%matvec(X(kpm+i), X(kp+i)) enddo endif ! Update Hessenberg matrix via batch double Gram-Schmidt step. call double_gram_schmidt_step(X(kp+1:kpp), X(:kp), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false., beta=H(:kp, kpm+1:kp)) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, procedure='arnoldi_cdp') ! Orthogonalize current blk vectors. call qr(X(kp+1:kpp), H(kp+1:kpp, kpm+1:kp), info) call check_info(info, 'qr', module=this_module, procedure='arnoldi_cdp') ! Extract residual norm (smallest diagonal element of H matrix). res = zero_rdp do i = 1, p res(i) = H(kp+i, kpm+i) enddo beta = minval(abs(res)) ! Exit Arnoldi loop if needed. if (beta < tolerance) then ! Dimension of the computed invariant subspace. info = kp ! Exit the Arnoldi iteration. exit blk_arnoldi endif enddo blk_arnoldi return end subroutine arnoldi_cdp !--------------------------------------------- !----- LANCZOS BIDIAGONALIZATION ----- !--------------------------------------------- subroutine lanczos_bidiagonalization_rsp(A, U, V, B, info, kstart, kend, tol) class(abstract_linop_rsp), intent(in) :: A !! Linear operator to be factorized. class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: U(:) !! Orthonormal basis for the column span of \(\mathbf{A}\). On entry, `U(1)` needs to be set to !! the starting Krylov vector. class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: V(:) !! Orthonormal basis for the row span of \(\mathbf{A}\). real(sp), intent(inout) :: B(:, :) !! Bidiagonal matrix. integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. integer, optional, intent(in) :: kstart !! Starting index for the Lanczos factorization (default 1). integer, optional, intent(in) :: kend !! Final index for the Lanczos factorization (default 1). real(sp), optional, intent(in) :: tol !! Tolerance to determine whether invariant subspaces have been computed or not. ! Internal variables. integer :: k_start, k_end real(sp) :: tolerance real(sp) :: alpha, beta integer :: k, kdim info = 0 ! Krylov subspace dimension. kdim = size(U) - 1 ! Deals with the optional args. k_start = optval(kstart, 1) k_end = optval(kend, kdim) tolerance = optval(tol, atol_sp) ! Lanczos bidiagonalization. lanczos : do k = k_start, k_end ! Transpose matrix-vector product. call A%rmatvec(U(k), V(k)) ! Full re-orthogonalization of the right Krylov subspace. if (k > 1) then call double_gram_schmidt_step(V(k), V(:k-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, & & procedure='lanczos_bidiagonalization_rsp, right basis') end if ! Normalization step. alpha = V(k)%norm() ; B(k, k) = alpha if (abs(alpha) > tolerance) then call V(k)%scal(one_rsp/alpha) else info = k exit lanczos endif ! Matrix-vector product. call A%matvec(V(k), U(k+1)) ! Full re-orthogonalization of the left Krylov subspace. call double_gram_schmidt_step(U(k+1), U(:k), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, & & procedure='lanczos_bidiagonalization_rsp, left basis') ! Normalization step beta = U(k+1)%norm() ; B(k+1, k) = beta if (abs(beta) > tolerance) then call U(k+1)%scal(one_rsp / beta) else info = k exit lanczos endif enddo lanczos return end subroutine lanczos_bidiagonalization_rsp subroutine lanczos_bidiagonalization_rdp(A, U, V, B, info, kstart, kend, tol) class(abstract_linop_rdp), intent(in) :: A !! Linear operator to be factorized. class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: U(:) !! Orthonormal basis for the column span of \(\mathbf{A}\). On entry, `U(1)` needs to be set to !! the starting Krylov vector. class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: V(:) !! Orthonormal basis for the row span of \(\mathbf{A}\). real(dp), intent(inout) :: B(:, :) !! Bidiagonal matrix. integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. integer, optional, intent(in) :: kstart !! Starting index for the Lanczos factorization (default 1). integer, optional, intent(in) :: kend !! Final index for the Lanczos factorization (default 1). real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: tol !! Tolerance to determine whether invariant subspaces have been computed or not. ! Internal variables. integer :: k_start, k_end real(dp) :: tolerance real(dp) :: alpha, beta integer :: k, kdim info = 0 ! Krylov subspace dimension. kdim = size(U) - 1 ! Deals with the optional args. k_start = optval(kstart, 1) k_end = optval(kend, kdim) tolerance = optval(tol, atol_dp) ! Lanczos bidiagonalization. lanczos : do k = k_start, k_end ! Transpose matrix-vector product. call A%rmatvec(U(k), V(k)) ! Full re-orthogonalization of the right Krylov subspace. if (k > 1) then call double_gram_schmidt_step(V(k), V(:k-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, & & procedure='lanczos_bidiagonalization_rdp, right basis') end if ! Normalization step. alpha = V(k)%norm() ; B(k, k) = alpha if (abs(alpha) > tolerance) then call V(k)%scal(one_rdp/alpha) else info = k exit lanczos endif ! Matrix-vector product. call A%matvec(V(k), U(k+1)) ! Full re-orthogonalization of the left Krylov subspace. call double_gram_schmidt_step(U(k+1), U(:k), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, & & procedure='lanczos_bidiagonalization_rdp, left basis') ! Normalization step beta = U(k+1)%norm() ; B(k+1, k) = beta if (abs(beta) > tolerance) then call U(k+1)%scal(one_rdp / beta) else info = k exit lanczos endif enddo lanczos return end subroutine lanczos_bidiagonalization_rdp subroutine lanczos_bidiagonalization_csp(A, U, V, B, info, kstart, kend, tol) class(abstract_linop_csp), intent(in) :: A !! Linear operator to be factorized. class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: U(:) !! Orthonormal basis for the column span of \(\mathbf{A}\). On entry, `U(1)` needs to be set to !! the starting Krylov vector. class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: V(:) !! Orthonormal basis for the row span of \(\mathbf{A}\). complex(sp), intent(inout) :: B(:, :) !! Bidiagonal matrix. integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. integer, optional, intent(in) :: kstart !! Starting index for the Lanczos factorization (default 1). integer, optional, intent(in) :: kend !! Final index for the Lanczos factorization (default 1). real(sp), optional, intent(in) :: tol !! Tolerance to determine whether invariant subspaces have been computed or not. ! Internal variables. integer :: k_start, k_end real(sp) :: tolerance complex(sp) :: alpha, beta integer :: k, kdim info = 0 ! Krylov subspace dimension. kdim = size(U) - 1 ! Deals with the optional args. k_start = optval(kstart, 1) k_end = optval(kend, kdim) tolerance = optval(tol, atol_sp) ! Lanczos bidiagonalization. lanczos : do k = k_start, k_end ! Transpose matrix-vector product. call A%rmatvec(U(k), V(k)) ! Full re-orthogonalization of the right Krylov subspace. if (k > 1) then call double_gram_schmidt_step(V(k), V(:k-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, & & procedure='lanczos_bidiagonalization_csp, right basis') end if ! Normalization step. alpha = V(k)%norm() ; B(k, k) = alpha if (abs(alpha) > tolerance) then call V(k)%scal(one_csp/alpha) else info = k exit lanczos endif ! Matrix-vector product. call A%matvec(V(k), U(k+1)) ! Full re-orthogonalization of the left Krylov subspace. call double_gram_schmidt_step(U(k+1), U(:k), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, & & procedure='lanczos_bidiagonalization_csp, left basis') ! Normalization step beta = U(k+1)%norm() ; B(k+1, k) = beta if (abs(beta) > tolerance) then call U(k+1)%scal(one_csp / beta) else info = k exit lanczos endif enddo lanczos return end subroutine lanczos_bidiagonalization_csp subroutine lanczos_bidiagonalization_cdp(A, U, V, B, info, kstart, kend, tol) class(abstract_linop_cdp), intent(in) :: A !! Linear operator to be factorized. class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: U(:) !! Orthonormal basis for the column span of \(\mathbf{A}\). On entry, `U(1)` needs to be set to !! the starting Krylov vector. class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: V(:) !! Orthonormal basis for the row span of \(\mathbf{A}\). complex(dp), intent(inout) :: B(:, :) !! Bidiagonal matrix. integer, intent(out) :: info !! Information flag. integer, optional, intent(in) :: kstart !! Starting index for the Lanczos factorization (default 1). integer, optional, intent(in) :: kend !! Final index for the Lanczos factorization (default 1). real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: tol !! Tolerance to determine whether invariant subspaces have been computed or not. ! Internal variables. integer :: k_start, k_end real(dp) :: tolerance complex(dp) :: alpha, beta integer :: k, kdim info = 0 ! Krylov subspace dimension. kdim = size(U) - 1 ! Deals with the optional args. k_start = optval(kstart, 1) k_end = optval(kend, kdim) tolerance = optval(tol, atol_dp) ! Lanczos bidiagonalization. lanczos : do k = k_start, k_end ! Transpose matrix-vector product. call A%rmatvec(U(k), V(k)) ! Full re-orthogonalization of the right Krylov subspace. if (k > 1) then call double_gram_schmidt_step(V(k), V(:k-1), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, & & procedure='lanczos_bidiagonalization_cdp, right basis') end if ! Normalization step. alpha = V(k)%norm() ; B(k, k) = alpha if (abs(alpha) > tolerance) then call V(k)%scal(one_cdp/alpha) else info = k exit lanczos endif ! Matrix-vector product. call A%matvec(V(k), U(k+1)) ! Full re-orthogonalization of the left Krylov subspace. call double_gram_schmidt_step(U(k+1), U(:k), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'double_gram_schmidt_step', module=this_module, & & procedure='lanczos_bidiagonalization_cdp, left basis') ! Normalization step beta = U(k+1)%norm() ; B(k+1, k) = beta if (abs(beta) > tolerance) then call U(k+1)%scal(one_cdp / beta) else info = k exit lanczos endif enddo lanczos return end subroutine lanczos_bidiagonalization_cdp !---------------------------------------------- !----- LANCZOS TRIDIAGONALIZATION ----- !---------------------------------------------- subroutine lanczos_tridiagonalization_rsp(A, X, T, info, kstart, kend, tol) class(abstract_sym_linop_rsp), intent(in) :: A class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: X(:) real(sp), intent(inout) :: T(:, :) integer, intent(out) :: info integer, optional, intent(in) :: kstart integer, optional, intent(in) :: kend real(sp), optional, intent(in) :: tol ! Internal variables. integer :: k_start, k_end real(sp) :: tolerance real(sp) :: beta integer :: k, kdim ! Deal with optional args. kdim = size(X) - 1 k_start = optval(kstart, 1) k_end = optval(kend, kdim) tolerance = optval(tol, atol_sp) info = 0 ! Lanczos tridiagonalization. lanczos: do k = k_start, k_end ! Matrix-vector product. call A%matvec(X(k), X(k+1)) ! Update tridiagonal matrix. call update_tridiag_matrix_rsp(T, X, k) beta = X(k+1)%norm() ; T(k+1, k) = beta ! Exit Lanczos loop if needed. if (beta < tolerance) then ! Dimension of the computed invariant subspace. info = k ! Exit the Lanczos iteration. exit lanczos else ! Normalize the new Krylov vector. call X(k+1)%scal(one_rsp / beta) endif enddo lanczos return end subroutine lanczos_tridiagonalization_rsp subroutine update_tridiag_matrix_rsp(T, X, k) integer, intent(in) :: k real(sp), intent(inout) :: T(:, :) class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: X(:) ! Internal variables. integer :: i, info info = 0 ! Orthogonalize residual w.r.t. previously computed Krylov vectors to obtain coefficients in tridiag. matrix do i = max(1, k-1), k T(i, k) = X(i)%dot(X(k+1)) ; call X(k+1)%axpby(one_rsp, X(i), -T(i, k)) enddo ! Full re-orthogonalization against existing basis call double_gram_schmidt_step(X(k+1), X(:k), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p1', module=this_module, procedure='update_tridiag_matrix_rsp') return end subroutine update_tridiag_matrix_rsp subroutine lanczos_tridiagonalization_rdp(A, X, T, info, kstart, kend, tol) class(abstract_sym_linop_rdp), intent(in) :: A class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: X(:) real(dp), intent(inout) :: T(:, :) integer, intent(out) :: info integer, optional, intent(in) :: kstart integer, optional, intent(in) :: kend real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: tol ! Internal variables. integer :: k_start, k_end real(dp) :: tolerance real(dp) :: beta integer :: k, kdim ! Deal with optional args. kdim = size(X) - 1 k_start = optval(kstart, 1) k_end = optval(kend, kdim) tolerance = optval(tol, atol_dp) info = 0 ! Lanczos tridiagonalization. lanczos: do k = k_start, k_end ! Matrix-vector product. call A%matvec(X(k), X(k+1)) ! Update tridiagonal matrix. call update_tridiag_matrix_rdp(T, X, k) beta = X(k+1)%norm() ; T(k+1, k) = beta ! Exit Lanczos loop if needed. if (beta < tolerance) then ! Dimension of the computed invariant subspace. info = k ! Exit the Lanczos iteration. exit lanczos else ! Normalize the new Krylov vector. call X(k+1)%scal(one_rdp / beta) endif enddo lanczos return end subroutine lanczos_tridiagonalization_rdp subroutine update_tridiag_matrix_rdp(T, X, k) integer, intent(in) :: k real(dp), intent(inout) :: T(:, :) class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: X(:) ! Internal variables. integer :: i, info info = 0 ! Orthogonalize residual w.r.t. previously computed Krylov vectors to obtain coefficients in tridiag. matrix do i = max(1, k-1), k T(i, k) = X(i)%dot(X(k+1)) ; call X(k+1)%axpby(one_rdp, X(i), -T(i, k)) enddo ! Full re-orthogonalization against existing basis call double_gram_schmidt_step(X(k+1), X(:k), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p1', module=this_module, procedure='update_tridiag_matrix_rdp') return end subroutine update_tridiag_matrix_rdp subroutine lanczos_tridiagonalization_csp(A, X, T, info, kstart, kend, tol) class(abstract_hermitian_linop_csp), intent(in) :: A class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: X(:) complex(sp), intent(inout) :: T(:, :) integer, intent(out) :: info integer, optional, intent(in) :: kstart integer, optional, intent(in) :: kend real(sp), optional, intent(in) :: tol ! Internal variables. integer :: k_start, k_end real(sp) :: tolerance real(sp) :: beta integer :: k, kdim ! Deal with optional args. kdim = size(X) - 1 k_start = optval(kstart, 1) k_end = optval(kend, kdim) tolerance = optval(tol, atol_sp) info = 0 ! Lanczos tridiagonalization. lanczos: do k = k_start, k_end ! Matrix-vector product. call A%matvec(X(k), X(k+1)) ! Update tridiagonal matrix. call update_tridiag_matrix_csp(T, X, k) beta = X(k+1)%norm() ; T(k+1, k) = beta ! Exit Lanczos loop if needed. if (beta < tolerance) then ! Dimension of the computed invariant subspace. info = k ! Exit the Lanczos iteration. exit lanczos else ! Normalize the new Krylov vector. call X(k+1)%scal(one_csp / beta) endif enddo lanczos return end subroutine lanczos_tridiagonalization_csp subroutine update_tridiag_matrix_csp(T, X, k) integer, intent(in) :: k complex(sp), intent(inout) :: T(:, :) class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: X(:) ! Internal variables. integer :: i, info info = 0 ! Orthogonalize residual w.r.t. previously computed Krylov vectors to obtain coefficients in tridiag. matrix do i = max(1, k-1), k T(i, k) = X(i)%dot(X(k+1)) ; call X(k+1)%axpby(one_csp, X(i), -T(i, k)) enddo ! Full re-orthogonalization against existing basis call double_gram_schmidt_step(X(k+1), X(:k), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p1', module=this_module, procedure='update_tridiag_matrix_csp') return end subroutine update_tridiag_matrix_csp subroutine lanczos_tridiagonalization_cdp(A, X, T, info, kstart, kend, tol) class(abstract_hermitian_linop_cdp), intent(in) :: A class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: X(:) complex(dp), intent(inout) :: T(:, :) integer, intent(out) :: info integer, optional, intent(in) :: kstart integer, optional, intent(in) :: kend real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: tol ! Internal variables. integer :: k_start, k_end real(dp) :: tolerance real(dp) :: beta integer :: k, kdim ! Deal with optional args. kdim = size(X) - 1 k_start = optval(kstart, 1) k_end = optval(kend, kdim) tolerance = optval(tol, atol_dp) info = 0 ! Lanczos tridiagonalization. lanczos: do k = k_start, k_end ! Matrix-vector product. call A%matvec(X(k), X(k+1)) ! Update tridiagonal matrix. call update_tridiag_matrix_cdp(T, X, k) beta = X(k+1)%norm() ; T(k+1, k) = beta ! Exit Lanczos loop if needed. if (beta < tolerance) then ! Dimension of the computed invariant subspace. info = k ! Exit the Lanczos iteration. exit lanczos else ! Normalize the new Krylov vector. call X(k+1)%scal(one_cdp / beta) endif enddo lanczos return end subroutine lanczos_tridiagonalization_cdp subroutine update_tridiag_matrix_cdp(T, X, k) integer, intent(in) :: k complex(dp), intent(inout) :: T(:, :) class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: X(:) ! Internal variables. integer :: i, info info = 0 ! Orthogonalize residual w.r.t. previously computed Krylov vectors to obtain coefficients in tridiag. matrix do i = max(1, k-1), k T(i, k) = X(i)%dot(X(k+1)) ; call X(k+1)%axpby(one_cdp, X(i), -T(i, k)) enddo ! Full re-orthogonalization against existing basis call double_gram_schmidt_step(X(k+1), X(:k), info, if_chk_orthonormal=.false.) call check_info(info, 'orthogonalize_against_basis_p1', module=this_module, procedure='update_tridiag_matrix_cdp') return end subroutine update_tridiag_matrix_cdp !---------------------------------------- !----- KRYLOV-SCHUR RESTART ----- !---------------------------------------- subroutine krylov_schur_rsp(n, X, H, select_eigs) integer, intent(out) :: n !! Number eigenvalues that have been moved to the upper !! left block of the Schur factorization of `H`. class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: X(:) !! Krylov basis. real(sp), intent(inout) :: H(:, :) !! Upper Hessenberg matrix. procedure(eigvals_select_sp) :: select_eigs !! Procedure to select the eigenvalues to move in the upper left-block. !-------------------------------------- !----- Internal variables ----- !-------------------------------------- integer :: i, kdim ! Schur-related. real(sp) :: Z(size(H, 2), size(H, 2)) complex(sp) :: eigvals(size(H, 2)) logical :: selected(size(H, 2)) ! Krylov subspace dimension. kdim = size(X)-1 ! Allocate and initializes variables. eigvals = zero_rsp ; Z = zero_rsp selected = .false. ! Schur decomposition of the Hessenberg matrix. call schur(H(:size(H, 2), :), Z, eigvals) ! Eigenvalue selection of the upper left block. selected = select_eigs(eigvals) ; n = count(selected) ! Re-order the Schur decomposition and Schur basis. call ordschur(H(:kdim, :), Z, selected) ! Update the Hessenberg matrix and Krylov basis. block real(sp) :: b(size(H, 2)) class(abstract_vector_rsp), allocatable :: Xwrk(:) ! Update the Krylov basis. call linear_combination(Xwrk, X(:size(H, 2)), Z(:, :n)) call copy(X(:n), Xwrk(:n)) call copy(X(n+1), X(kdim+1)) call zero_basis(X(n+2:)) ! Update the Hessenberg matrix. b = matmul(H(kdim+1, :), Z) H(n+1, :) = b H(n+2:, :) = zero_rsp H(:, n+1:) = zero_rsp end block return end subroutine krylov_schur_rsp subroutine krylov_schur_rdp(n, X, H, select_eigs) integer, intent(out) :: n !! Number eigenvalues that have been moved to the upper !! left block of the Schur factorization of `H`. class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: X(:) !! Krylov basis. real(dp), intent(inout) :: H(:, :) !! Upper Hessenberg matrix. procedure(eigvals_select_dp) :: select_eigs !! Procedure to select the eigenvalues to move in the upper left-block. !-------------------------------------- !----- Internal variables ----- !-------------------------------------- integer :: i, kdim ! Schur-related. real(dp) :: Z(size(H, 2), size(H, 2)) complex(dp) :: eigvals(size(H, 2)) logical :: selected(size(H, 2)) ! Krylov subspace dimension. kdim = size(X)-1 ! Allocate and initializes variables. eigvals = zero_rdp ; Z = zero_rdp selected = .false. ! Schur decomposition of the Hessenberg matrix. call schur(H(:size(H, 2), :), Z, eigvals) ! Eigenvalue selection of the upper left block. selected = select_eigs(eigvals) ; n = count(selected) ! Re-order the Schur decomposition and Schur basis. call ordschur(H(:kdim, :), Z, selected) ! Update the Hessenberg matrix and Krylov basis. block real(dp) :: b(size(H, 2)) class(abstract_vector_rdp), allocatable :: Xwrk(:) ! Update the Krylov basis. call linear_combination(Xwrk, X(:size(H, 2)), Z(:, :n)) call copy(X(:n), Xwrk(:n)) call copy(X(n+1), X(kdim+1)) call zero_basis(X(n+2:)) ! Update the Hessenberg matrix. b = matmul(H(kdim+1, :), Z) H(n+1, :) = b H(n+2:, :) = zero_rdp H(:, n+1:) = zero_rdp end block return end subroutine krylov_schur_rdp subroutine krylov_schur_csp(n, X, H, select_eigs) integer, intent(out) :: n !! Number eigenvalues that have been moved to the upper !! left block of the Schur factorization of `H`. class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: X(:) !! Krylov basis. complex(sp), intent(inout) :: H(:, :) !! Upper Hessenberg matrix. procedure(eigvals_select_sp) :: select_eigs !! Procedure to select the eigenvalues to move in the upper left-block. !-------------------------------------- !----- Internal variables ----- !-------------------------------------- integer :: i, kdim ! Schur-related. complex(sp) :: Z(size(H, 2), size(H, 2)) complex(sp) :: eigvals(size(H, 2)) logical :: selected(size(H, 2)) ! Krylov subspace dimension. kdim = size(X)-1 ! Allocate and initializes variables. eigvals = zero_csp ; Z = zero_csp selected = .false. ! Schur decomposition of the Hessenberg matrix. call schur(H(:size(H, 2), :), Z, eigvals) ! Eigenvalue selection of the upper left block. selected = select_eigs(eigvals) ; n = count(selected) ! Re-order the Schur decomposition and Schur basis. call ordschur(H(:kdim, :), Z, selected) ! Update the Hessenberg matrix and Krylov basis. block complex(sp) :: b(size(H, 2)) class(abstract_vector_csp), allocatable :: Xwrk(:) ! Update the Krylov basis. call linear_combination(Xwrk, X(:size(H, 2)), Z(:, :n)) call copy(X(:n), Xwrk(:n)) call copy(X(n+1), X(kdim+1)) call zero_basis(X(n+2:)) ! Update the Hessenberg matrix. b = matmul(H(kdim+1, :), Z) H(n+1, :) = b H(n+2:, :) = zero_csp H(:, n+1:) = zero_csp end block return end subroutine krylov_schur_csp subroutine krylov_schur_cdp(n, X, H, select_eigs) integer, intent(out) :: n !! Number eigenvalues that have been moved to the upper !! left block of the Schur factorization of `H`. class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: X(:) !! Krylov basis. complex(dp), intent(inout) :: H(:, :) !! Upper Hessenberg matrix. procedure(eigvals_select_dp) :: select_eigs !! Procedure to select the eigenvalues to move in the upper left-block. !-------------------------------------- !----- Internal variables ----- !-------------------------------------- integer :: i, kdim ! Schur-related. complex(dp) :: Z(size(H, 2), size(H, 2)) complex(dp) :: eigvals(size(H, 2)) logical :: selected(size(H, 2)) ! Krylov subspace dimension. kdim = size(X)-1 ! Allocate and initializes variables. eigvals = zero_cdp ; Z = zero_cdp selected = .false. ! Schur decomposition of the Hessenberg matrix. call schur(H(:size(H, 2), :), Z, eigvals) ! Eigenvalue selection of the upper left block. selected = select_eigs(eigvals) ; n = count(selected) ! Re-order the Schur decomposition and Schur basis. call ordschur(H(:kdim, :), Z, selected) ! Update the Hessenberg matrix and Krylov basis. block complex(dp) :: b(size(H, 2)) class(abstract_vector_cdp), allocatable :: Xwrk(:) ! Update the Krylov basis. call linear_combination(Xwrk, X(:size(H, 2)), Z(:, :n)) call copy(X(:n), Xwrk(:n)) call copy(X(n+1), X(kdim+1)) call zero_basis(X(n+2:)) ! Update the Hessenberg matrix. b = matmul(H(kdim+1, :), Z) H(n+1, :) = b H(n+2:, :) = zero_cdp H(:, n+1:) = zero_cdp end block return end subroutine krylov_schur_cdp end module LightKrylov_BaseKrylov