AbstractVectors.f90 Source File

Source Code

module LightKrylov_AbstractVectors
    !! This module provides the base class `absract_vector` from which all Krylov vectors
    !! needs to be derived. To use `LightKrylov`, you need to extend one of the
    !! followings:
    !! - `abstract_vector_rsp`: Real-valued vector with single precision arithmetic.
    !! - `abstract_vector_rdp`: Real-valued vector with double precision arithmetic.
    !! - `abstract_vector_csp`: Complex-valued vector with single precision arithmetic.
    !! - `abstract_vector_cdp`: Complex-valued vector with double precision arithmetic.
    !! To extend either of these abstract types, you need to provide an associated implementation
    !! for the following type-bound procedures:
    !! - `zero(self)`: A subroutine zeroing-out the vector.
    !! - `rand(self, ifnorm)`: A subroutine creating a random vector, possibily normalized to have unit-norm (`ifnorm = .true.`).
    !! - `scal(self, alpha)`: A subroutine computing *in-place* the scalar multiplication \( \mathbf{x} = \alpha \mathbf{x} \).
    !! - `axpby(self, alpha, vec, beta)`: A subroutine computing *in-place* the product \( \mathbf{x} = \alpha \mathbf{x} + \beta \mathbf{y} \).
    !! - `dot(self, vec)`: A function computing the inner product \( \alpha = \langle \mathbf{x} \vert \mathbf{y} \rangle \).
    !! - `get_size(self)`: A function returning the dimension \( n \) of the vector \( \mathbf{x} \).
    !! Once these type-bound procedures have been implemented by the user, they will automatically 
    !! be used to define:
    !! - vector addition `add(self, vec) = axpby(self, 1, vec, 1)`
    !! - vector subtraction `sub(self, vec) = axpby(self, 1, vec, -1)`
    !! - vector norm `norm(self) = sqrt(dot_product(self, self))`.
    !! This module also provides the following utility subroutines:
    !! - `innerprod(v, X, y)` and `innerprod(M, X, Y)`: Subroutine to compute the 
    !! inner-product matrix/vector between a Krylov basis `X` and a Krylov vector 
    !! (resp. basis) `y` (resp. `Y`).
    !! - `linear_combination(y, X, v)` and `linear_combination(Y, X, B)`: Subroutine to 
    !! compute the linear combination \( \mathbf{y}_j = \sum_{i=1}^n \mathbf{x}_i v_{ij} \).
    !! - `axpby_basis(X, alpha, Y, beta)`: In-place computation of \( \mathbf{X} = \alpha \mathbf{X} + \beta \mathbf{Y} \)
    !! where \( \mathbf{X} \) and \( \mathbf{Y} \) are two arrays of `abstract_vector`s.
    !! - `zero_basis(X)`: Zero-out a collection of `abstract_vectors`.
    !! - `copy(out, from)`: Copy a collection of `abstract_vectors`.
    !! - `rand_basis(X, ifnorm)`: Create a collection of random `abstract_vectors`. If `ifnorm = .true.`, the vectors are normalized to have unit-norm.

    use stdlib_optval, only: optval
    use LightKrylov_Constants
    use LightKrylov_Utils
    use LightKrylov_Logger
    implicit none

    character(len=128), parameter :: this_module = 'Lightkrylov_AbstractVectors'

    public :: innerprod
    public :: linear_combination
    public :: axpby_basis
    public :: zero_basis
    public :: copy
    public :: rand_basis

    interface innerprod
        !!  Compute the inner product vector \( \mathbf{v} = \mathbf{X}^H \mathbf{y} \) or matrix
        !!  \( \mathbf{M} = \mathbf{X}^H \mathbf{Y} \).
        !!  ### Description
        !!  This interface provides methods for computing the inner products between a basis
        !!  of `real` or `complex` vectors \( \mathbf{X} \) and a single vector 
        !!  \( \mathbf{y} \) or another basis \( \mathbf{Y} \). Depending on the case, it
        !!  returns a one-dimensional array \( \mathbf{v} \) or a two-dimensional array
        !!  \( \mathbf{M} \) with the same type as \( \mathbf{X} \).
        !!  ### Example
        !!  The example below assumes that you have already extended the `abstract_vector_rdp`
        !!  class to define your own `my_real_vector` type. It then computes the inner product
        !!  vector \( \mathbf{v} \) defined as \( v_i = \mathbf{x}_i^H \mathbf{y} \).
        !!  ```
        !!      type(my_real_vector), dimension(10) :: X
        !!      type(my_real_vector)                :: y
        !!      real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: v
        !!      ! ... Part of your code where you initialize everything ...
        !!      call innerprod(v, X, y)
        !!      ! ... Rest of your code ...
        !!  ```
        !!  Similarly, computing the matrix of inner products between two bases can be done
        !!  as shown below.
        !!  ```
        !!      type(my_real_vector), dimension(10) :: X
        !!      type(my_real_vector), dimension(10) :: Y
        !!      real(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: M
        !!      ! ... Part of your code where you initialize everything ...
        !!      call innerprod(M, X, Y)
        !!      ! ... Rest of your code ...
        !!  ```
        module procedure innerprod_vector_rsp
        module procedure innerprod_matrix_rsp
        module procedure innerprod_vector_rdp
        module procedure innerprod_matrix_rdp
        module procedure innerprod_vector_csp
        module procedure innerprod_matrix_csp
        module procedure innerprod_vector_cdp
        module procedure innerprod_matrix_cdp
    end interface

    interface linear_combination
        !!  Given a set of extended `abstract_vectors` and coefficients, return the corresponding
        !!  linear combinations.
        !!  ### Description
        !!  This interface provides methods for computing linear combinations of a set of extended
        !!  `abstract_vectors`. Depending on its input, it either computes
        !!  \[
        !!      \mathbf{y} = \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i \mathbf{x}_i,
        !!  \]
        !!  i.e. a single vector, or
        !!  \[
        !!      \mathbf{y}_j = \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_{ij} \mathbf{x}_i,
        !!  \]
        !!  i.e. a set of vectors of the same type as \( \mathbf{X} \).
        !!  ### Example
        !!  ```
        !!      type(my_real_vector), dimension(10) :: X
        !!      real(dp), dimension(m, n)           :: B
        !!      type(my_real_vector)                :: Y
        !!      ! ... Whatever your code is doing ...
        !!      call linear_combination(Y, X, B)
        !!      ! ... Rest of your code ...
        !!  ```
        module procedure linear_combination_vector_rsp
        module procedure linear_combination_matrix_rsp
        module procedure linear_combination_vector_rdp
        module procedure linear_combination_matrix_rdp
        module procedure linear_combination_vector_csp
        module procedure linear_combination_matrix_csp
        module procedure linear_combination_vector_cdp
        module procedure linear_combination_matrix_cdp
    end interface

    interface axpby_basis
        !!  In-place addition of two arrays of extended `abstract_vector`.
        !!  ### Description
        !!  This interface provides methods to add in-place two arrays of
        !!  extended `abstract_vector`, i.e.
        !!  \[
        !!      \mathbf{x}_i \leftarrow \alpha_i \mathbf{x}_i + \beta_i \mathbf{y}_i.
        !!  \]
        !!  No out-of-place alternative is currently available in `LightKrylov`.
        !!  If you do need an out-of-place version, you can combine `axpby_basis`
        !!  with `copy`.
        !!  ### Example
        !!  ```
        !!      type(my_real_vector), dimension(10) :: X
        !!      type(my_real_vector), dimension(10) :: Y
        !!      real(dp), dimension(10)             :: alpha, beta
        !!      ! ... Whatever your code is doing ...
        !!      call axpby_basis(X, alpha, Y, beta)
        !!      ! ... Rest of your code ...
        !!  ```
        module procedure axpby_basis_rsp
        module procedure axpby_basis_rdp
        module procedure axpby_basis_csp
        module procedure axpby_basis_cdp
    end interface

    interface zero_basis
        !!  This interface provides methods to zero-out a collection of `abstract_vector` `X`.
        !!  It is a simple wrapper around `X(i)%zero()`.
        !!  ### Example
        !!  ```
        !!      type(my_real_vector), dimension(10) :: X
        !!      ! ... Your code ...
        !!      call zero_basis(X)
        !!      ! ... Your code ...
        !!  ```
        module procedure zero_basis_rsp
        module procedure zero_basis_rdp
        module procedure zero_basis_csp
        module procedure zero_basis_cdp
    end interface

    interface copy
        !!  This interface provides methods to copy an array `X` of `abstract_vector` into
        !!  another array `Y`. Note that `Y` needs to be pre-allocated.
        !!  ### Example
        !!  ```
        !!      type(my_real_vector), dimension(10) :: X
        !!      type(my_real_vector), dimension(10) :: Y
        !!      ! ... Your code ...
        !!      call copy(Y, X)
        !!      ! ... Your code ...
        !!  ```
        module procedure copy_vector_rsp
        module procedure copy_basis_rsp
        module procedure copy_vector_rdp
        module procedure copy_basis_rdp
        module procedure copy_vector_csp
        module procedure copy_basis_csp
        module procedure copy_vector_cdp
        module procedure copy_basis_cdp
    end interface

    interface rand_basis
        !!  This interface provides methods to create an array `X` of random `abstract_vector`.
        !!  It is a simple wrapper around `X(i)%rand(ifnorm)`.
        !!  ### Example
        !!  ```
        !!      type(my_real_vector), dimension(10) :: X
        !!      logical                             :: ifnorm = .true.
        !!      ! ... Your code ...
        !!      call rand_basis(X, ifnorm)
        !!      ! ... Your code ...
        !!  ```
        module procedure rand_basis_rsp
        module procedure rand_basis_rdp
        module procedure rand_basis_csp
        module procedure rand_basis_cdp
    end interface

    type, abstract, public :: abstract_vector
        !!  Base abstract type from which all other types of vectors used in `LightKrylov`
        !!  are being derived from.
        !!  @warning
        !!  Users should not extend this abstract class to define their own types.
        !!  @endwarning
    end type abstract_vector

    !-----     Definition of an abstract real(sp) vector with kind=sp     -----

    type, abstract, extends(abstract_vector), public :: abstract_vector_rsp
        !!  Abstract type to define real(sp)-valued vectors.
        !!  Derived-types defined by the user should be extending one such class.
        procedure(abstract_zero_rsp), pass(self), deferred, public :: zero
        !! Sets an `abstract_vector_rsp` to zero.
        procedure(abstract_rand_rsp), pass(self), deferred, public :: rand
        !! Creates a random `abstract_vector_rsp`.
        procedure(abstract_scal_rsp), pass(self), deferred, public :: scal
        !! Compute the scalar-vector product.
        procedure(abstract_axpby_rsp), pass(self), deferred, public :: axpby
        !! In-place computation of \( \mathbf{x} = \alpha \mathbf{x} + \beta \mathbf{y} \).
        procedure(abstract_dot_rsp), pass(self), deferred, public :: dot
        !! Computes the dot product between two `abstract_vector_rsp`.
        procedure(abstract_get_size_rsp), pass(self), deferred, public :: get_size
        !! Return size of specific abstract vector
        procedure, pass(self), public :: norm => norm_rsp
        !! Computes the norm of the `abstract_vector`.
        procedure, pass(self), public :: add => add_rsp
        !! Adds two `abstract_vector`.
        procedure, pass(self), public :: sub => sub_rsp
        !! Subtracts two `abstract_vector`.
        procedure, pass(self), public :: chsgn => chsgn_rsp
    end type

    abstract interface
        subroutine abstract_zero_rsp(self)
            !! Abstract interface to zero-out a vector in-place.
            import abstract_vector_rsp
            class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: self
            !! Vector to be zeroed-out.
        end subroutine abstract_zero_rsp

        subroutine abstract_rand_rsp(self, ifnorm)
            !! Abstract interface to generate a random (normalized) vector.
            import abstract_vector_rsp
            class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: self
            logical, optional, intent(in) :: ifnorm
        end subroutine abstract_rand_rsp

        subroutine abstract_scal_rsp(self, alpha)
            !! Abstract interface to scale a vector.
            import abstract_vector_rsp, sp
            class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: self
            !! Input/Output vector.
            real(sp), intent(in) :: alpha
            !! Scaling factor.
        end subroutine abstract_scal_rsp

        subroutine abstract_axpby_rsp(self, alpha, vec, beta)
            !! Abstract interface to add/scale two vectors in-place.
            import abstract_vector_rsp, sp
            class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: self
            !! Input/Output vector.
            class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(in) :: vec
            !! Vector to be added/subtracted.
            real(sp), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
        end subroutine abstract_axpby_rsp

        function abstract_dot_rsp(self, vec) result(alpha)
            !! Abstract interface to compute the dot product.
            import abstract_vector_rsp, sp
            class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(in) :: self, vec
            !! Vectors whose dot product will be computed.
            real(sp) :: alpha
            !! Result of the dot product.
        end function abstract_dot_rsp

        function abstract_get_size_rsp(self) result(N)
            !! Abstract interface to return the size of the specific abstract vector.
            import abstract_vector_rsp
            class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(in) :: self
            !! Vectors whose dot product will be computed.
            integer :: N
            !! Size of the vector
        end function abstract_get_size_rsp

    end interface

    !-----     Definition of an abstract real(dp) vector with kind=dp     -----

    type, abstract, extends(abstract_vector), public :: abstract_vector_rdp
        !!  Abstract type to define real(dp)-valued vectors.
        !!  Derived-types defined by the user should be extending one such class.
        procedure(abstract_zero_rdp), pass(self), deferred, public :: zero
        !! Sets an `abstract_vector_rdp` to zero.
        procedure(abstract_rand_rdp), pass(self), deferred, public :: rand
        !! Creates a random `abstract_vector_rdp`.
        procedure(abstract_scal_rdp), pass(self), deferred, public :: scal
        !! Compute the scalar-vector product.
        procedure(abstract_axpby_rdp), pass(self), deferred, public :: axpby
        !! In-place computation of \( \mathbf{x} = \alpha \mathbf{x} + \beta \mathbf{y} \).
        procedure(abstract_dot_rdp), pass(self), deferred, public :: dot
        !! Computes the dot product between two `abstract_vector_rdp`.
        procedure(abstract_get_size_rdp), pass(self), deferred, public :: get_size
        !! Return size of specific abstract vector
        procedure, pass(self), public :: norm => norm_rdp
        !! Computes the norm of the `abstract_vector`.
        procedure, pass(self), public :: add => add_rdp
        !! Adds two `abstract_vector`.
        procedure, pass(self), public :: sub => sub_rdp
        !! Subtracts two `abstract_vector`.
        procedure, pass(self), public :: chsgn => chsgn_rdp
    end type

    abstract interface
        subroutine abstract_zero_rdp(self)
            !! Abstract interface to zero-out a vector in-place.
            import abstract_vector_rdp
            class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: self
            !! Vector to be zeroed-out.
        end subroutine abstract_zero_rdp

        subroutine abstract_rand_rdp(self, ifnorm)
            !! Abstract interface to generate a random (normalized) vector.
            import abstract_vector_rdp
            class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: self
            logical, optional, intent(in) :: ifnorm
        end subroutine abstract_rand_rdp

        subroutine abstract_scal_rdp(self, alpha)
            !! Abstract interface to scale a vector.
            import abstract_vector_rdp, dp
            class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: self
            !! Input/Output vector.
            real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha
            !! Scaling factor.
        end subroutine abstract_scal_rdp

        subroutine abstract_axpby_rdp(self, alpha, vec, beta)
            !! Abstract interface to add/scale two vectors in-place.
            import abstract_vector_rdp, dp
            class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: self
            !! Input/Output vector.
            class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: vec
            !! Vector to be added/subtracted.
            real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
        end subroutine abstract_axpby_rdp

        function abstract_dot_rdp(self, vec) result(alpha)
            !! Abstract interface to compute the dot product.
            import abstract_vector_rdp, dp
            class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: self, vec
            !! Vectors whose dot product will be computed.
            real(dp) :: alpha
            !! Result of the dot product.
        end function abstract_dot_rdp

        function abstract_get_size_rdp(self) result(N)
            !! Abstract interface to return the size of the specific abstract vector.
            import abstract_vector_rdp
            class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: self
            !! Vectors whose dot product will be computed.
            integer :: N
            !! Size of the vector
        end function abstract_get_size_rdp

    end interface

    !-----     Definition of an abstract complex(sp) vector with kind=sp     -----

    type, abstract, extends(abstract_vector), public :: abstract_vector_csp
        !!  Abstract type to define complex(sp)-valued vectors.
        !!  Derived-types defined by the user should be extending one such class.
        procedure(abstract_zero_csp), pass(self), deferred, public :: zero
        !! Sets an `abstract_vector_csp` to zero.
        procedure(abstract_rand_csp), pass(self), deferred, public :: rand
        !! Creates a random `abstract_vector_csp`.
        procedure(abstract_scal_csp), pass(self), deferred, public :: scal
        !! Compute the scalar-vector product.
        procedure(abstract_axpby_csp), pass(self), deferred, public :: axpby
        !! In-place computation of \( \mathbf{x} = \alpha \mathbf{x} + \beta \mathbf{y} \).
        procedure(abstract_dot_csp), pass(self), deferred, public :: dot
        !! Computes the dot product between two `abstract_vector_csp`.
        procedure(abstract_get_size_csp), pass(self), deferred, public :: get_size
        !! Return size of specific abstract vector
        procedure, pass(self), public :: norm => norm_csp
        !! Computes the norm of the `abstract_vector`.
        procedure, pass(self), public :: add => add_csp
        !! Adds two `abstract_vector`.
        procedure, pass(self), public :: sub => sub_csp
        !! Subtracts two `abstract_vector`.
        procedure, pass(self), public :: chsgn => chsgn_csp
    end type

    abstract interface
        subroutine abstract_zero_csp(self)
            !! Abstract interface to zero-out a vector in-place.
            import abstract_vector_csp
            class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: self
            !! Vector to be zeroed-out.
        end subroutine abstract_zero_csp

        subroutine abstract_rand_csp(self, ifnorm)
            !! Abstract interface to generate a random (normalized) vector.
            import abstract_vector_csp
            class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: self
            logical, optional, intent(in) :: ifnorm
        end subroutine abstract_rand_csp

        subroutine abstract_scal_csp(self, alpha)
            !! Abstract interface to scale a vector.
            import abstract_vector_csp, sp
            class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: self
            !! Input/Output vector.
            complex(sp), intent(in) :: alpha
            !! Scaling factor.
        end subroutine abstract_scal_csp

        subroutine abstract_axpby_csp(self, alpha, vec, beta)
            !! Abstract interface to add/scale two vectors in-place.
            import abstract_vector_csp, sp
            class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: self
            !! Input/Output vector.
            class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(in) :: vec
            !! Vector to be added/subtracted.
            complex(sp), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
        end subroutine abstract_axpby_csp

        function abstract_dot_csp(self, vec) result(alpha)
            !! Abstract interface to compute the dot product.
            import abstract_vector_csp, sp
            class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(in) :: self, vec
            !! Vectors whose dot product will be computed.
            complex(sp) :: alpha
            !! Result of the dot product.
        end function abstract_dot_csp

        function abstract_get_size_csp(self) result(N)
            !! Abstract interface to return the size of the specific abstract vector.
            import abstract_vector_csp
            class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(in) :: self
            !! Vectors whose dot product will be computed.
            integer :: N
            !! Size of the vector
        end function abstract_get_size_csp

    end interface

    !-----     Definition of an abstract complex(dp) vector with kind=dp     -----

    type, abstract, extends(abstract_vector), public :: abstract_vector_cdp
        !!  Abstract type to define complex(dp)-valued vectors.
        !!  Derived-types defined by the user should be extending one such class.
        procedure(abstract_zero_cdp), pass(self), deferred, public :: zero
        !! Sets an `abstract_vector_cdp` to zero.
        procedure(abstract_rand_cdp), pass(self), deferred, public :: rand
        !! Creates a random `abstract_vector_cdp`.
        procedure(abstract_scal_cdp), pass(self), deferred, public :: scal
        !! Compute the scalar-vector product.
        procedure(abstract_axpby_cdp), pass(self), deferred, public :: axpby
        !! In-place computation of \( \mathbf{x} = \alpha \mathbf{x} + \beta \mathbf{y} \).
        procedure(abstract_dot_cdp), pass(self), deferred, public :: dot
        !! Computes the dot product between two `abstract_vector_cdp`.
        procedure(abstract_get_size_cdp), pass(self), deferred, public :: get_size
        !! Return size of specific abstract vector
        procedure, pass(self), public :: norm => norm_cdp
        !! Computes the norm of the `abstract_vector`.
        procedure, pass(self), public :: add => add_cdp
        !! Adds two `abstract_vector`.
        procedure, pass(self), public :: sub => sub_cdp
        !! Subtracts two `abstract_vector`.
        procedure, pass(self), public :: chsgn => chsgn_cdp
    end type

    abstract interface
        subroutine abstract_zero_cdp(self)
            !! Abstract interface to zero-out a vector in-place.
            import abstract_vector_cdp
            class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: self
            !! Vector to be zeroed-out.
        end subroutine abstract_zero_cdp

        subroutine abstract_rand_cdp(self, ifnorm)
            !! Abstract interface to generate a random (normalized) vector.
            import abstract_vector_cdp
            class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: self
            logical, optional, intent(in) :: ifnorm
        end subroutine abstract_rand_cdp

        subroutine abstract_scal_cdp(self, alpha)
            !! Abstract interface to scale a vector.
            import abstract_vector_cdp, dp
            class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: self
            !! Input/Output vector.
            complex(dp), intent(in) :: alpha
            !! Scaling factor.
        end subroutine abstract_scal_cdp

        subroutine abstract_axpby_cdp(self, alpha, vec, beta)
            !! Abstract interface to add/scale two vectors in-place.
            import abstract_vector_cdp, dp
            class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: self
            !! Input/Output vector.
            class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: vec
            !! Vector to be added/subtracted.
            complex(dp), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
        end subroutine abstract_axpby_cdp

        function abstract_dot_cdp(self, vec) result(alpha)
            !! Abstract interface to compute the dot product.
            import abstract_vector_cdp, dp
            class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: self, vec
            !! Vectors whose dot product will be computed.
            complex(dp) :: alpha
            !! Result of the dot product.
        end function abstract_dot_cdp

        function abstract_get_size_cdp(self) result(N)
            !! Abstract interface to return the size of the specific abstract vector.
            import abstract_vector_cdp
            class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: self
            !! Vectors whose dot product will be computed.
            integer :: N
            !! Size of the vector
        end function abstract_get_size_cdp

    end interface


    function norm_rsp(self) result(alpha)
        !! Compute the norm of an `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(in) :: self
        !! Vector whose norm needs to be computed.
        real(sp) :: alpha
        !! Norm of the vector.
        alpha = abs(self%dot(self)) ; alpha = sqrt(alpha)
    end function norm_rsp

    subroutine sub_rsp(self, vec)
        !! Subtract two `abstract_vector` in-place.
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: self
        !! Input/Output vector.
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(in) :: vec
        !! Vector to be added.
        call self%axpby(one_rsp, vec, -one_rsp)
    end subroutine sub_rsp

    subroutine add_rsp(self, vec)
        !! Add two `abstract_vector` in-place.
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: self
        !! Input/Output vector.
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(in) :: vec
        !! Vector to be added.
        call self%axpby(one_rsp, vec, one_rsp)
    end subroutine add_rsp

    subroutine chsgn_rsp(self)
        !! Changes the sign of the `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: self
        !! Vector whose entries need to change sign.
        call self%scal(-one_rsp)
    end subroutine chsgn_rsp

    function norm_rdp(self) result(alpha)
        !! Compute the norm of an `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: self
        !! Vector whose norm needs to be computed.
        real(dp) :: alpha
        !! Norm of the vector.
        alpha = abs(self%dot(self)) ; alpha = sqrt(alpha)
    end function norm_rdp

    subroutine sub_rdp(self, vec)
        !! Subtract two `abstract_vector` in-place.
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: self
        !! Input/Output vector.
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: vec
        !! Vector to be added.
        call self%axpby(one_rdp, vec, -one_rdp)
    end subroutine sub_rdp

    subroutine add_rdp(self, vec)
        !! Add two `abstract_vector` in-place.
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: self
        !! Input/Output vector.
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: vec
        !! Vector to be added.
        call self%axpby(one_rdp, vec, one_rdp)
    end subroutine add_rdp

    subroutine chsgn_rdp(self)
        !! Changes the sign of the `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: self
        !! Vector whose entries need to change sign.
        call self%scal(-one_rdp)
    end subroutine chsgn_rdp

    function norm_csp(self) result(alpha)
        !! Compute the norm of an `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(in) :: self
        !! Vector whose norm needs to be computed.
        real(sp) :: alpha
        !! Norm of the vector.
        alpha = abs(self%dot(self)) ; alpha = sqrt(alpha)
    end function norm_csp

    subroutine sub_csp(self, vec)
        !! Subtract two `abstract_vector` in-place.
        class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: self
        !! Input/Output vector.
        class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(in) :: vec
        !! Vector to be added.
        call self%axpby(one_csp, vec, -one_csp)
    end subroutine sub_csp

    subroutine add_csp(self, vec)
        !! Add two `abstract_vector` in-place.
        class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: self
        !! Input/Output vector.
        class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(in) :: vec
        !! Vector to be added.
        call self%axpby(one_csp, vec, one_csp)
    end subroutine add_csp

    subroutine chsgn_csp(self)
        !! Changes the sign of the `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: self
        !! Vector whose entries need to change sign.
        call self%scal(-one_csp)
    end subroutine chsgn_csp

    function norm_cdp(self) result(alpha)
        !! Compute the norm of an `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: self
        !! Vector whose norm needs to be computed.
        real(dp) :: alpha
        !! Norm of the vector.
        alpha = abs(self%dot(self)) ; alpha = sqrt(alpha)
    end function norm_cdp

    subroutine sub_cdp(self, vec)
        !! Subtract two `abstract_vector` in-place.
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: self
        !! Input/Output vector.
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: vec
        !! Vector to be added.
        call self%axpby(one_cdp, vec, -one_cdp)
    end subroutine sub_cdp

    subroutine add_cdp(self, vec)
        !! Add two `abstract_vector` in-place.
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: self
        !! Input/Output vector.
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: vec
        !! Vector to be added.
        call self%axpby(one_cdp, vec, one_cdp)
    end subroutine add_cdp

    subroutine chsgn_cdp(self)
        !! Changes the sign of the `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: self
        !! Vector whose entries need to change sign.
        call self%scal(-one_cdp)
    end subroutine chsgn_cdp

    !-----      UTILITY FUNCTIONS     -----

    subroutine linear_combination_vector_rsp(y, X, v)
        !! Given `X` and `v`, this function return \( \mathbf{y} = \mathbf{Xv} \) where
        !! `y` is an `abstract_vector`, `X` an array of `abstract_vector` and `v` a
        !! Fortran array containing the coefficients of the linear combination.
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), allocatable, intent(out) :: y
        !! Ouput vector.
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(in) :: X(:)
        !! Krylov basis.
        real(sp), intent(in) :: v(:)
        !! Coordinates of `y` in the Krylov basis `X`.

        ! Internal variables
        integer :: i

        ! Check sizes.
        if (size(X) /= size(v)) then
            call stop_error("Krylov basis X and low-dimensional vector v have different sizes.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='linear_combination_vector_rsp')

        ! Initialize output vector.
        if (.not. allocated(y)) allocate(y, source=X(1)) ; call y%zero()
        ! Compute linear combination.
        do i = 1, size(X)
            call y%axpby(one_rsp, X(i), v(i))

    end subroutine linear_combination_vector_rsp

    subroutine linear_combination_matrix_rsp(Y, X, B)
        !! Given `X` and `B`, this function computes \(\mathbf{Y} = \mathbf{XB} \) where
        !! `X` and `Y` are arrays of `abstract_vector`, and `B` is a 2D Fortran array.
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), allocatable, intent(out) :: Y(:)
        !! Output matrix.
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(in) :: X(:)
        !! Krylov basis.
        real(sp), intent(in) :: B(:, :)
        !! Coefficients of the linear combinations.

        ! Internal variables.
        integer :: i, j
        ! Check sizes.
        if (size(X) /= size(B, 1)) then
            call stop_error("Krylov basis X and combination matrix B have incompatible sizes.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='linear_combination_matrix_rsp')

        ! Initialize output basis.
        if (.not. allocated(Y)) then
            allocate(Y(size(B, 2)), source=X(1))
            if (size(Y) /= size(B, 2)) then
                call stop_error("Krylov basis Y and combination matrix B have incompatible sizes.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='linear_combination_matrix_rsp')

        do j = 1, size(Y)
            call Y(j)%zero()
            do i = 1, size(X)
                call Y(j)%axpby(one_rsp, X(i), B(i, j))

    end subroutine linear_combination_matrix_rsp

    subroutine innerprod_vector_rsp(v, X, y)
        !! Computes the inner product vector \( \mathbf{v} = \mathbf{X}^H \mathbf{v} \) between
        !! a basis `X` of `abstract_vector` and `v`, a single `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(in) :: X(:), y
        !! Bases of `abstract_vector` whose inner products need to be computed.
        real(sp), intent(out) :: v(size(X))
        !! Resulting inner-product vector.

        ! Local variables.
        integer :: i

        v = zero_rsp
        do i = 1, size(X)
            v(i) = X(i)%dot(y)
    end subroutine innerprod_vector_rsp

    subroutine innerprod_matrix_rsp(M, X, Y)
        !! Computes the inner product matrix \( \mathbf{M} = \mathbf{X}^H \mathbf{Y} \) between
        !! two bases of `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(in) :: X(:), Y(:)
        !! Bases of `abstract_vector` whose inner products need to be computed.
        real(sp), intent(out) :: M(size(X), size(Y))
        !! Resulting inner-product matrix.

        ! Local variables.
        integer :: i, j

        M = zero_rsp
        do j = 1, size(Y)
            do i = 1, size(X)
                M(i, j) = X(i)%dot(Y(j))

    end subroutine innerprod_matrix_rsp

    subroutine axpby_basis_rsp(x, alpha, y, beta)
        !! Compute in-place \( \mathbf{X} = \alpha \mathbf{X} + \beta \mathbf{Y} \) where
        !! `X` and `Y` are arrays of `abstract_vector` and `alpha` and `beta` are real(sp)
        !! numbers.
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: X(:)
        !! Input/Ouput array of `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(in) :: Y(:)
        !! Array of `abstract_vector` to be added/subtracted to `X`.
        real(sp), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
        !! Scalar multipliers.

        ! Internal variable.
        integer :: i

        ! Check size.
        if (size(X) /= size(Y)) then
            call stop_error("X and Y have incompatible dimensions.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='axpby_basis_rsp')

        ! Add basis.
        do i = 1, size(X)
            call X(i)%axpby(alpha, Y(i), beta)

    end subroutine axpby_basis_rsp

    subroutine zero_basis_rsp(X)
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: X(:)
        integer :: i

        do i = 1, size(X)
            call X(i)%zero()
        end do

    end subroutine zero_basis_rsp

    subroutine copy_vector_rsp(out, from)
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(in) :: from
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(out) :: out
        ! Copy array.
        call out%axpby(zero_rsp, from, one_rsp)
    end subroutine copy_vector_rsp

    subroutine copy_basis_rsp(out, from)
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(in) :: from(:)
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(out) :: out(:)
        integer :: i

        ! Check size.
        if (size(out) /= size(from)) then
            call stop_error("from and out have incompatible dimensions.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='copy_basis_rsp')

        ! Copy array.
        do i = 1, size(out)
            call copy_vector_rsp(out(i), from(i))

    end subroutine copy_basis_rsp

    subroutine rand_basis_rsp(X, ifnorm)
        class(abstract_vector_rsp), intent(inout) :: X(:)
        logical, optional, intent(in) :: ifnorm
        ! internal
        integer :: i

        do i = 1, size(X)
            call X(i)%rand(ifnorm=ifnorm)
        end do

    end subroutine rand_basis_rsp

    subroutine linear_combination_vector_rdp(y, X, v)
        !! Given `X` and `v`, this function return \( \mathbf{y} = \mathbf{Xv} \) where
        !! `y` is an `abstract_vector`, `X` an array of `abstract_vector` and `v` a
        !! Fortran array containing the coefficients of the linear combination.
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), allocatable, intent(out) :: y
        !! Ouput vector.
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: X(:)
        !! Krylov basis.
        real(dp), intent(in) :: v(:)
        !! Coordinates of `y` in the Krylov basis `X`.

        ! Internal variables
        integer :: i

        ! Check sizes.
        if (size(X) /= size(v)) then
            call stop_error("Krylov basis X and low-dimensional vector v have different sizes.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='linear_combination_vector_rdp')

        ! Initialize output vector.
        if (.not. allocated(y)) allocate(y, source=X(1)) ; call y%zero()
        ! Compute linear combination.
        do i = 1, size(X)
            call y%axpby(one_rdp, X(i), v(i))

    end subroutine linear_combination_vector_rdp

    subroutine linear_combination_matrix_rdp(Y, X, B)
        !! Given `X` and `B`, this function computes \(\mathbf{Y} = \mathbf{XB} \) where
        !! `X` and `Y` are arrays of `abstract_vector`, and `B` is a 2D Fortran array.
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), allocatable, intent(out) :: Y(:)
        !! Output matrix.
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: X(:)
        !! Krylov basis.
        real(dp), intent(in) :: B(:, :)
        !! Coefficients of the linear combinations.

        ! Internal variables.
        integer :: i, j
        ! Check sizes.
        if (size(X) /= size(B, 1)) then
            call stop_error("Krylov basis X and combination matrix B have incompatible sizes.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='linear_combination_matrix_rdp')

        ! Initialize output basis.
        if (.not. allocated(Y)) then
            allocate(Y(size(B, 2)), source=X(1))
            if (size(Y) /= size(B, 2)) then
                call stop_error("Krylov basis Y and combination matrix B have incompatible sizes.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='linear_combination_matrix_rdp')

        do j = 1, size(Y)
            call Y(j)%zero()
            do i = 1, size(X)
                call Y(j)%axpby(one_rdp, X(i), B(i, j))

    end subroutine linear_combination_matrix_rdp

    subroutine innerprod_vector_rdp(v, X, y)
        !! Computes the inner product vector \( \mathbf{v} = \mathbf{X}^H \mathbf{v} \) between
        !! a basis `X` of `abstract_vector` and `v`, a single `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: X(:), y
        !! Bases of `abstract_vector` whose inner products need to be computed.
        real(dp), intent(out) :: v(size(X))
        !! Resulting inner-product vector.

        ! Local variables.
        integer :: i

        v = zero_rdp
        do i = 1, size(X)
            v(i) = X(i)%dot(y)
    end subroutine innerprod_vector_rdp

    subroutine innerprod_matrix_rdp(M, X, Y)
        !! Computes the inner product matrix \( \mathbf{M} = \mathbf{X}^H \mathbf{Y} \) between
        !! two bases of `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: X(:), Y(:)
        !! Bases of `abstract_vector` whose inner products need to be computed.
        real(dp), intent(out) :: M(size(X), size(Y))
        !! Resulting inner-product matrix.

        ! Local variables.
        integer :: i, j

        M = zero_rdp
        do j = 1, size(Y)
            do i = 1, size(X)
                M(i, j) = X(i)%dot(Y(j))

    end subroutine innerprod_matrix_rdp

    subroutine axpby_basis_rdp(x, alpha, y, beta)
        !! Compute in-place \( \mathbf{X} = \alpha \mathbf{X} + \beta \mathbf{Y} \) where
        !! `X` and `Y` are arrays of `abstract_vector` and `alpha` and `beta` are real(dp)
        !! numbers.
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: X(:)
        !! Input/Ouput array of `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: Y(:)
        !! Array of `abstract_vector` to be added/subtracted to `X`.
        real(dp), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
        !! Scalar multipliers.

        ! Internal variable.
        integer :: i

        ! Check size.
        if (size(X) /= size(Y)) then
            call stop_error("X and Y have incompatible dimensions.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='axpby_basis_rdp')

        ! Add basis.
        do i = 1, size(X)
            call X(i)%axpby(alpha, Y(i), beta)

    end subroutine axpby_basis_rdp

    subroutine zero_basis_rdp(X)
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: X(:)
        integer :: i

        do i = 1, size(X)
            call X(i)%zero()
        end do

    end subroutine zero_basis_rdp

    subroutine copy_vector_rdp(out, from)
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: from
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(out) :: out
        ! Copy array.
        call out%axpby(zero_rdp, from, one_rdp)
    end subroutine copy_vector_rdp

    subroutine copy_basis_rdp(out, from)
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(in) :: from(:)
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(out) :: out(:)
        integer :: i

        ! Check size.
        if (size(out) /= size(from)) then
            call stop_error("from and out have incompatible dimensions.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='copy_basis_rdp')

        ! Copy array.
        do i = 1, size(out)
            call copy_vector_rdp(out(i), from(i))

    end subroutine copy_basis_rdp

    subroutine rand_basis_rdp(X, ifnorm)
        class(abstract_vector_rdp), intent(inout) :: X(:)
        logical, optional, intent(in) :: ifnorm
        ! internal
        integer :: i

        do i = 1, size(X)
            call X(i)%rand(ifnorm=ifnorm)
        end do

    end subroutine rand_basis_rdp

    subroutine linear_combination_vector_csp(y, X, v)
        !! Given `X` and `v`, this function return \( \mathbf{y} = \mathbf{Xv} \) where
        !! `y` is an `abstract_vector`, `X` an array of `abstract_vector` and `v` a
        !! Fortran array containing the coefficients of the linear combination.
        class(abstract_vector_csp), allocatable, intent(out) :: y
        !! Ouput vector.
        class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(in) :: X(:)
        !! Krylov basis.
        complex(sp), intent(in) :: v(:)
        !! Coordinates of `y` in the Krylov basis `X`.

        ! Internal variables
        integer :: i

        ! Check sizes.
        if (size(X) /= size(v)) then
            call stop_error("Krylov basis X and low-dimensional vector v have different sizes.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='linear_combination_vector_csp')

        ! Initialize output vector.
        if (.not. allocated(y)) allocate(y, source=X(1)) ; call y%zero()
        ! Compute linear combination.
        do i = 1, size(X)
            call y%axpby(one_csp, X(i), v(i))

    end subroutine linear_combination_vector_csp

    subroutine linear_combination_matrix_csp(Y, X, B)
        !! Given `X` and `B`, this function computes \(\mathbf{Y} = \mathbf{XB} \) where
        !! `X` and `Y` are arrays of `abstract_vector`, and `B` is a 2D Fortran array.
        class(abstract_vector_csp), allocatable, intent(out) :: Y(:)
        !! Output matrix.
        class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(in) :: X(:)
        !! Krylov basis.
        complex(sp), intent(in) :: B(:, :)
        !! Coefficients of the linear combinations.

        ! Internal variables.
        integer :: i, j
        ! Check sizes.
        if (size(X) /= size(B, 1)) then
            call stop_error("Krylov basis X and combination matrix B have incompatible sizes.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='linear_combination_matrix_csp')

        ! Initialize output basis.
        if (.not. allocated(Y)) then
            allocate(Y(size(B, 2)), source=X(1))
            if (size(Y) /= size(B, 2)) then
                call stop_error("Krylov basis Y and combination matrix B have incompatible sizes.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='linear_combination_matrix_csp')

        do j = 1, size(Y)
            call Y(j)%zero()
            do i = 1, size(X)
                call Y(j)%axpby(one_csp, X(i), B(i, j))

    end subroutine linear_combination_matrix_csp

    subroutine innerprod_vector_csp(v, X, y)
        !! Computes the inner product vector \( \mathbf{v} = \mathbf{X}^H \mathbf{v} \) between
        !! a basis `X` of `abstract_vector` and `v`, a single `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(in) :: X(:), y
        !! Bases of `abstract_vector` whose inner products need to be computed.
        complex(sp), intent(out) :: v(size(X))
        !! Resulting inner-product vector.

        ! Local variables.
        integer :: i

        v = zero_csp
        do i = 1, size(X)
            v(i) = X(i)%dot(y)
    end subroutine innerprod_vector_csp

    subroutine innerprod_matrix_csp(M, X, Y)
        !! Computes the inner product matrix \( \mathbf{M} = \mathbf{X}^H \mathbf{Y} \) between
        !! two bases of `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(in) :: X(:), Y(:)
        !! Bases of `abstract_vector` whose inner products need to be computed.
        complex(sp), intent(out) :: M(size(X), size(Y))
        !! Resulting inner-product matrix.

        ! Local variables.
        integer :: i, j

        M = zero_csp
        do j = 1, size(Y)
            do i = 1, size(X)
                M(i, j) = X(i)%dot(Y(j))

    end subroutine innerprod_matrix_csp

    subroutine axpby_basis_csp(x, alpha, y, beta)
        !! Compute in-place \( \mathbf{X} = \alpha \mathbf{X} + \beta \mathbf{Y} \) where
        !! `X` and `Y` are arrays of `abstract_vector` and `alpha` and `beta` are complex(sp)
        !! numbers.
        class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: X(:)
        !! Input/Ouput array of `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(in) :: Y(:)
        !! Array of `abstract_vector` to be added/subtracted to `X`.
        complex(sp), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
        !! Scalar multipliers.

        ! Internal variable.
        integer :: i

        ! Check size.
        if (size(X) /= size(Y)) then
            call stop_error("X and Y have incompatible dimensions.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='axpby_basis_csp')

        ! Add basis.
        do i = 1, size(X)
            call X(i)%axpby(alpha, Y(i), beta)

    end subroutine axpby_basis_csp

    subroutine zero_basis_csp(X)
        class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: X(:)
        integer :: i

        do i = 1, size(X)
            call X(i)%zero()
        end do

    end subroutine zero_basis_csp

    subroutine copy_vector_csp(out, from)
        class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(in) :: from
        class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(out) :: out
        ! Copy array.
        call out%axpby(zero_csp, from, one_csp)
    end subroutine copy_vector_csp

    subroutine copy_basis_csp(out, from)
        class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(in) :: from(:)
        class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(out) :: out(:)
        integer :: i

        ! Check size.
        if (size(out) /= size(from)) then
            call stop_error("from and out have incompatible dimensions.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='copy_basis_csp')

        ! Copy array.
        do i = 1, size(out)
            call copy_vector_csp(out(i), from(i))

    end subroutine copy_basis_csp

    subroutine rand_basis_csp(X, ifnorm)
        class(abstract_vector_csp), intent(inout) :: X(:)
        logical, optional, intent(in) :: ifnorm
        ! internal
        integer :: i

        do i = 1, size(X)
            call X(i)%rand(ifnorm=ifnorm)
        end do

    end subroutine rand_basis_csp

    subroutine linear_combination_vector_cdp(y, X, v)
        !! Given `X` and `v`, this function return \( \mathbf{y} = \mathbf{Xv} \) where
        !! `y` is an `abstract_vector`, `X` an array of `abstract_vector` and `v` a
        !! Fortran array containing the coefficients of the linear combination.
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), allocatable, intent(out) :: y
        !! Ouput vector.
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: X(:)
        !! Krylov basis.
        complex(dp), intent(in) :: v(:)
        !! Coordinates of `y` in the Krylov basis `X`.

        ! Internal variables
        integer :: i

        ! Check sizes.
        if (size(X) /= size(v)) then
            call stop_error("Krylov basis X and low-dimensional vector v have different sizes.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='linear_combination_vector_cdp')

        ! Initialize output vector.
        if (.not. allocated(y)) allocate(y, source=X(1)) ; call y%zero()
        ! Compute linear combination.
        do i = 1, size(X)
            call y%axpby(one_cdp, X(i), v(i))

    end subroutine linear_combination_vector_cdp

    subroutine linear_combination_matrix_cdp(Y, X, B)
        !! Given `X` and `B`, this function computes \(\mathbf{Y} = \mathbf{XB} \) where
        !! `X` and `Y` are arrays of `abstract_vector`, and `B` is a 2D Fortran array.
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), allocatable, intent(out) :: Y(:)
        !! Output matrix.
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: X(:)
        !! Krylov basis.
        complex(dp), intent(in) :: B(:, :)
        !! Coefficients of the linear combinations.

        ! Internal variables.
        integer :: i, j
        ! Check sizes.
        if (size(X) /= size(B, 1)) then
            call stop_error("Krylov basis X and combination matrix B have incompatible sizes.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='linear_combination_matrix_cdp')

        ! Initialize output basis.
        if (.not. allocated(Y)) then
            allocate(Y(size(B, 2)), source=X(1))
            if (size(Y) /= size(B, 2)) then
                call stop_error("Krylov basis Y and combination matrix B have incompatible sizes.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='linear_combination_matrix_cdp')

        do j = 1, size(Y)
            call Y(j)%zero()
            do i = 1, size(X)
                call Y(j)%axpby(one_cdp, X(i), B(i, j))

    end subroutine linear_combination_matrix_cdp

    subroutine innerprod_vector_cdp(v, X, y)
        !! Computes the inner product vector \( \mathbf{v} = \mathbf{X}^H \mathbf{v} \) between
        !! a basis `X` of `abstract_vector` and `v`, a single `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: X(:), y
        !! Bases of `abstract_vector` whose inner products need to be computed.
        complex(dp), intent(out) :: v(size(X))
        !! Resulting inner-product vector.

        ! Local variables.
        integer :: i

        v = zero_cdp
        do i = 1, size(X)
            v(i) = X(i)%dot(y)
    end subroutine innerprod_vector_cdp

    subroutine innerprod_matrix_cdp(M, X, Y)
        !! Computes the inner product matrix \( \mathbf{M} = \mathbf{X}^H \mathbf{Y} \) between
        !! two bases of `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: X(:), Y(:)
        !! Bases of `abstract_vector` whose inner products need to be computed.
        complex(dp), intent(out) :: M(size(X), size(Y))
        !! Resulting inner-product matrix.

        ! Local variables.
        integer :: i, j

        M = zero_cdp
        do j = 1, size(Y)
            do i = 1, size(X)
                M(i, j) = X(i)%dot(Y(j))

    end subroutine innerprod_matrix_cdp

    subroutine axpby_basis_cdp(x, alpha, y, beta)
        !! Compute in-place \( \mathbf{X} = \alpha \mathbf{X} + \beta \mathbf{Y} \) where
        !! `X` and `Y` are arrays of `abstract_vector` and `alpha` and `beta` are complex(dp)
        !! numbers.
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: X(:)
        !! Input/Ouput array of `abstract_vector`.
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: Y(:)
        !! Array of `abstract_vector` to be added/subtracted to `X`.
        complex(dp), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
        !! Scalar multipliers.

        ! Internal variable.
        integer :: i

        ! Check size.
        if (size(X) /= size(Y)) then
            call stop_error("X and Y have incompatible dimensions.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='axpby_basis_cdp')

        ! Add basis.
        do i = 1, size(X)
            call X(i)%axpby(alpha, Y(i), beta)

    end subroutine axpby_basis_cdp

    subroutine zero_basis_cdp(X)
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: X(:)
        integer :: i

        do i = 1, size(X)
            call X(i)%zero()
        end do

    end subroutine zero_basis_cdp

    subroutine copy_vector_cdp(out, from)
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: from
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(out) :: out
        ! Copy array.
        call out%axpby(zero_cdp, from, one_cdp)
    end subroutine copy_vector_cdp

    subroutine copy_basis_cdp(out, from)
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(in) :: from(:)
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(out) :: out(:)
        integer :: i

        ! Check size.
        if (size(out) /= size(from)) then
            call stop_error("from and out have incompatible dimensions.", &
                              & module=this_module, procedure='copy_basis_cdp')

        ! Copy array.
        do i = 1, size(out)
            call copy_vector_cdp(out(i), from(i))

    end subroutine copy_basis_cdp

    subroutine rand_basis_cdp(X, ifnorm)
        class(abstract_vector_cdp), intent(inout) :: X(:)
        logical, optional, intent(in) :: ifnorm
        ! internal
        integer :: i

        do i = 1, size(X)
            call X(i)%rand(ifnorm=ifnorm)
        end do

    end subroutine rand_basis_cdp

end module LightKrylov_AbstractVectors